Meet Hon. Mr Joshua Solomone

Hon. Mr Joshua Solomone is the youngest member of the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji). He is the Coordinator for the Protocol and Global Classroom Team.

Previously, Mr. Solomone held the position of Assistant Executive Officer for the Office of the President.

The 18-year-old is a Year 13 Pure Science student and the Head Boy of Dudley High School. He is originally from the island of Mal'ha'ha in Rotuma and currently resides in Suva with his family. Mr. Solomone wants to become a doctor in the future.

He also received the Appreciation Award in 2021.

Mr. Solomone joined UNA Fiji in 2021 as a trainee and after graduation, he became an active member. For Mr. Solomone, being part of UNA Fiji has been an eye-opening and educational experience.

Most importantly, being part of UNA Fiji has upgraded Mr. Solomone’s leadership skills. “I believe in fairness and that everyone should be treated equally and not display favouritism. After all, what is the point of having an unfair decision when you are a Leader? A leader leads by example and is fair and just in every decision making that is done”.

These leadership skills also help Mr. Solomone to become a better Head Boy of his school as he can make fair decisions.

Mr. Solomone is able to balance his family time, school work and UNA Fiji work through small sacrifices he makes, dedication and sharing of workload with members.

Mr. Solomone is proud to be part of UNA Fiji and looks forward to contributing to the growth and development of UNA Fiji.

When not doing his studies and volunteerism, Mr. Solomone likes to play sporting events like Rugby, Volleyball, and understand more about his surroundings. He also likes to cook in his spare time. An individual who aims to learn something new as the day goes by.

With Class, Dignity, & Elegance–





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