Meet Hon. Ms. Arci Singh

Being part of United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji), Hon. Ms. Arci Singh was able to come out of her confort zone, being confident and maintain discipline in her life.

Ms. Singh is an Executive Committee Member and the Co-ordinator for the Hospitality Team here at UNA Fiji.

Prior to this role, Ms. Singh was part of Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) Co-ordination team as a Deputy Co-ordinator. "All positions have brought me out of my shell. Providing new challenges each time and overcoming those challenges seemed fulfilling. These roles have also helped me grow in my new leadership roles at work".

The 27-year-old joined UNA Fiji in 2018 and has been an active member since then. For Ms. Singh, being a part of UNA Fiji has been an inspiring journey so far. "I have had a great experience. Gaining knowledge not only in the art of diplomacy but also being mindful. When life gets tough, remembering the lessons, learnt from the classes with Hon. President Mr. Akmal Ali; has helped me improve, not only in my daily life, but at work as well".

UNA Fiji has also inspired Ms. Singh to develop her leadership skills and taught her the importance of team work.

For Ms. Singh, all moments of UNA Fiji have been unforgettable. "Our ups and downs. The growth over the years as an organisation still astonishes me even till now".

She wishes that UNA Fiji continues to grow to new heights and that she wants to be a part of the amazing journey.

Ms. Singh was born and is living in Suva with her Mum. She was studying law but decided to take a break from studies. Currently, she is working at Mindpearl Limited as an Operations Admin.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance -





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