Meet Hon. Ms. Arti Chand

How to manage time wisely is what we learn from Hon. Ms. Arti Chand. Juggling work, family life, academic commitments and dedicating weekends has not been an easy task for Ms. Chand but she has been adamant that with effective time management, anything is possible.

Ms. Chand hails from the friendly town of Labasa and a family of four which includes her dad, mum and younger sibling.

Ms. Chand completed her Basic Diplomacy Training (BDTP) in 2021 where she was awarded the Meritorious Award and the Best Group Award.

She joined UNA Fiji as an active member in 2022 and is currently part of the Communications Team.

She recalls her time during the training where the skills learnt in the training enabled her to improve her interpersonal skills, and offered a degree of confidence for public speaking.

Ms. Chand highlights that with diplomacy training, it challenges an individual to step outside of their comfort zone and helps one to grow as a person.

Ms. Chand holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Fiji National University (FNU) majoring in Management and Information Systems.

She is currently employed as a Coordinator Island Resilience at a Regional Organization in Suva and has 8 years of Professional experience working in areas of Project Administration, Communications, IT, Event Management, Diplomacy, Donor Funding, Procurement and Media.

Apart from having a full-time job and volunteer commitments, Ms. Chand enjoys painting art which serves her as a stress release.

Ms. Chand highlights that the love, unity and respect that is accorded to everyone regardless of one’s age or past experiences is what inspires her to be part of UNA Fiji.

A quote by Lao Tzu, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” is one that she holds dear. She emphasizes that even the longest and most challenging endeavors have a beginning, and all it needs is an individual’s first step and effort.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance –


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