Meet Hon. Ms. Sneha Rao

Hon. Ms. Sneha Rao is the Deputy Co-ordinator for the Protocol and Global Classrooms Team at the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji).

The 18-year-old is originally from Bangalore City, Karnataka state in India. She was born in India and about 15 years ago, her parents moved to Fiji since then, Ms. Rao is residing with her family in Samabula, Suva. She is currently a Year 13 science student at Yat Sen Secondary School and wishes to further study medicine.

Ms. Rao joined UNA Fiji in 2020. “In my 2 years of journey, I have met many great individuals of different ages with completely different experiences from myself wherein UNA Fiji has taught me that every individual you come across in life has something new to teach you or play certain roles in your life and that you need to constantly keep on learning and feeding your brain”.

Ever since Ms. Rao joined UNA Fiji as a member, she has always been part of the Protocol and Global Classrooms Team. These roles have taught her what discipline is and also the art of communication and the importance of these skills in the long run.

Not only that but, being part of UNA Fiji has also taught Ms. Rao the importance of time management, communication skills and seeing things or situations from different perspectives or other people’s points of view.

In 2020, Ms. Rao received the Pro-Active award.

Ms. Rao's biggest inspirations are her parents who constantly push her to be the best version of herself every day. Ms. Rao is extremely happy with the growth and development of UNA Fiji and she wishes UNA Fiji to continue with the tremendous work they do.Ms. Rao’s hobbies include photography and reading books.

With Class, Dignity, & Elegance–





Meet Hon. Mr. Mohammed Al-Dousary


Meet Hon. Mr. Salih Khan