We held The Second Graduation Ceremony for 22 graduates at the Republic of Cuba Embassy, Princess Road, Suva. 8 of the grandaunts successfully have completed Level 2- Intermediate Model United Nations (MUN) Training and while 14 have successfully completed Level 1-Basic Model United Nations (MUN) Training.

The Chief Guest at the event was His Excellency H.E Mr. Carlos Manuel Rojas, Ambassador of Cuba to Fiji.

This year’s Most Outstanding Award was given to Mr. Mohammed Al-Dousary, who was also the Valedictorian. Mr. Al-Dousary spoke eloquently on his experience of the training and on the positive impacts.

The other Awards were awarded as follows;

1. Activist Awards: Mr. Shivneet Kumar (Intermediate Level) and Mr. Rihan Ali (Junior Level)

2. Honorary Mention Awards: Ms. Nishika Kumar (Intermediate Level) and Mr. Ayush Munasinghe (Junior Level)

3. Meritorious Awards: Mr. Sachin Sen (Intermediate Level) and Ms. Mahima Khan (Junior Level).

From Level 1 graduates Ms. Shivani Kumar spoke about her successful volunteer work in Vietnam this year and how the basic level training helped contribute to her success.

The MUN Training involves trainees in learning to play roles as ambassadors, "delegates" to be able to; 1. Make speeches; 2. Prepare draft resolutions; 3. Negotiate with allies and adversaries; 4. Resolve conflicts; 5. Navigate the Model UN conference rules of procedure - all in the interest of mobilizing international cooperation to resolve problems and to create Active Citizens. The overarching skill taught to members is that of research. All the above are at the basic and intermediate levels.

After the above theories, trainees then observed a mock summation, conducted by senior members of the society. Followed by a summation proper.

The training then leads to the final learning activism. It truly was a beauty to watch these 22 people successfully mobilizing around 500 people on the SDG this year.

We would like to thank everyone for their kind support and involvement in the success of this Trainings, Activism as a project, and finally the Graduation.

Special thanks to the Embassy of Cuba for their tremendous support in hosting the graduation. It must also be stated that today the Steering Committee of the Pacific Cuba Friendship Association (PCFA) was launched. We are excited about the upcoming events of PCFA. Also, we wish PCFA the best for the future.


Calling Upon Humanity To Love

Organisor: United Nations Association of Fiji

Venue : Auditorium FNU Pasifika Campus, Extension Street, Suva

Date: 27 April 2019

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Duration: 120 Minutes

Chief Guests;

  • Mr. Ajith Kodakoda, Honorary Consul, Sri Lanka to Fiji

  • H.E. Ms. Halia Haddad, NZ Deputy High Commissioner to the Republic of Fiji

  • Alamah Moulana Mohammed Fakhre Alam Saheb, Chief Priest of Siddique Islamic Centre, Nadi

  • Reverend Dr. James Bhagwan, General Secretary for the Pacific Conference of Churches

  • Mr. Husmukh Patel, Chairperson of Shri Shri RadhaGolokabhihari Temple, ISKCON Fiji

  • Dr. Chitralekha Massey, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

To watch the Recorded Livestream, Click here!

#Christchurch #Humanity #Love #FMUNS


Intermediate & Basic Training Programme Class #3 & Mock Summation

1. The day began with a session by Madam Charlotte Taylor a teaching assistant at the University of the South Pacific and the Assistant Facilitator of FMUNS. She had an interactive session with our Level 1 students on the Topic: Strategies of Research and its Usage.

2. The second session began with Madam Alison Burchell the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts, Republic of Fiji. Had a talanoa session with our Intermediate Category Trainees on the Topic of Being Active Citizens of Fiji. The session was fruitful and one of great inspiration. We are looking forward to having Madam PS engage more with us in the future.

3. The afternoon session began with a Mock Summation: Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), senior members played the role of Melanesian Leaders to give the Level 1 students a glimpse of what a real summation is. The venue of it being Room C.2.1.0, FNU Pasifika Campus, Extension Street, Suva, Republic of Fiji.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-




Guest Lecture #2

1. The day began with Mr. Barrey Lalleys second session with the Level 1 students on Development Leadership. In the same session, Mr. Lalley read a letter of Congratulations for Mr. Al-Dousary from His Excellency Mr. Daniel Montilla Acting Ambassador, Embassy of Spain to Fiji for his Excellent academic achievements in the Fiji Year 12 Examination and his achievements at FMUNS. We thank His Excellency for always motivating and encouraging our members positively.

2. The second session was where His Excellency Mr. Eden Reid Acting High Commissioner Republic of South Africa to Fiji had a talk and discussion with the members on South Africa, its History, and its Legacies. The pursuit of national reconciliation and hearing more about the Father of Nation Late Mr. Nelson Mandela and Mother of the Nation Ms. Winnie Mandela was truly inspirational.

3. In the third session His Excellency Mr. David Teaabo High Commissioner of The Republic of Kiribati to Fiji, had a Talanoa session with the students on Kiribati Governments new Climate Change Policy on Dignity and Resilience with a focus on with Pacific Diplomacy. Where the importance of Heritage, Context, Embracing, and Oratory was highlighted as part of Pacific identity. Ms. Teaabo also graced us with her presence.

We are truly grateful to His Excellencies and Mr. Lalley for taking your precious time to spend time with our members and truly enlightening them.

Please accept our sincere gratitude.

Thank you.

Guest Lecture #1

His Excellency Mr. Osmany Cantillo the Acting Head of Mission Embajada de Cuba en Fiyi. The students were given a lecture on Cuban History and very importantly on the process of Decolonisation and Self Determination.

His Excellency also presented an Official letter of congratulations to Mr. Mohammed Al-Dousary for scoring 392/400 in the Fiji Year 12 Examination 2018.

The first address was to the Intermediate Students and the Second one to the junior level students at FNU Pasifika Campus this morning.

We are truly grateful to our Cuban friends for inspiring our students today.

We would like to also thank the Ministry of Education, Fiji for producing Excellent Students. The future of Fiji. Thanks, Madam PS  @Alison Burchell.

We also thank Mr. Barry Lalley for running a Leadership Development Training for our Junior Level Students.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





Adaptive Leadership Training

Ms. Emeline Siale Ilolahia Executive Director of PIANGO Pacific 2030 conducted an introductory training on Adaptive Leadership with our members. The training covered a practical leadership framework that helped individuals and organizations adapt and thrive in challenging environments. With local examples and stories, Ms. Siale was able to demonstrate to participants how one is being able to,  both individually and collectively take on the gradual but meaningful process of change as leaders.

Our members truly appreciated the tools taught and intent to take the learnings in the future to assist them in their positions of leadership at personal and professional levels.

The training was held at PIANGO Conference Room, 17 St. Fort Street, Suva City, Republic of Fiji.

It must be noted that from March 2020,  22 of our members which will have a composition of 8 females and 13 males will be attending a full 5 module Adaptive Leadership Training to be facilitated by Ms. Ilolahia.




Summation #1

The Senior members played the role of Country Leaders from China, Qatar, Russia, South Africa, The United Kingdom, and The United States of America on a futuristic topic. The year was 2198. The committee convened was the UN SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE COLONISATION OF MARS.

The members participated vigorously on the agenda throughout the day and finally were able to resolve the issue.

The summation took place on Saturday, 30 November 2019 at the Board Room, Dean's Office, FNU Derrick Campus, Samabula, Republic of Fiji.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





