Anti Nuclear March

Organisor: University of the South Pacific

Venue: USP Laucala Campus, Suva, Republic of Fiji

Time: 4:00 p.m. Date: 02 March 2021


1st March marked Nuclear Victims' Day and Nuclear Survivors' Day in the Marshall Islands. The day honors the victims and survivors of nuclear testing done in the Marshall Islands in the 1950s.

The United States detonated Castle Bravo over the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands — in what would be the first in a series of nuclear tests under Operation Castle.

Castle Bravo would be the largest nuclear device detonated by the U.S. government. It produced a 15-megaton blast which left radioactive fallout over the atolls. Before testing began, more than 160 Marshallese were relocated from Bikini Atoll to other islands.

The Marshall Islands Students Association of USP Laucala Campus has initiated the observance of this important day for the last 3 years and we have been part of it all and anticipate being part of it with our brothers and sisters from RMI and all Nuclear Victims in solidarity always.

9 of our members and 2 trainees from the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme 2021 joined the commemoration.






The Crisis of Nuclear Dumping in the Blue Pacific


Sai Prema Foundation Fiji