Meet Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram

Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram is the longest-serving member of the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji). He joined UNA Fiji as a trainee in 2015 and since then has been an active member.

The 23-year-old is one of the members behind the growth and development of UNA Fiji. For Mr. Ram, being part of UNA Fiji has been a transformative journey so far and learning new things every step of the way. “In a nutshell, the lessons I have learnt are that no man is an island, promote evidence-based policy advocacy, be compassionate, have passion as your motivation and change one life at a time”.

Over the years, Mr. Ram has held various positions at UNA Fiji which include; National Lead delegate (2016-2018), Co-ordinator of the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme - BDTP (2018-2019), Chairperson – Membership Standing Committee Co-ordinator (2020-2021), Protocol and Global Classrooms Co-ordinator (2022) and he is currently the Co-ordinator BDTP (2023).

Mr. Ram has received two awards from UNA Fiji. Firstly, the Special award - Honorable Mention in 2017 and secondly, the Special Appreciation award in 2019.

Mr. Ram was born and raised in Suva and shares paternal roots to the Province of Bua. He is currently pursuing a Degree in Engineering at the University of the South Pacific (USP) and hoping to specialize in telecommunications in the future.

Apart from this, Mr. Ram is the youngest serving secretariat member for the Suva District Council of Social Services. From 2019-2021 he was the Vice-President and since 2021, Mr. Ram is the Deputy Chairperson. He is also Youngest District Advisory Councillor for the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management since 2021.

Being part of UNA Fiji Mr. Ram has been able to bring about positive changes such as always being willing to learn, becoming resilient, having patience and believing in delayed gratification in his life.

Over the years, Mr. Ram has learnt a lot from UNA Fiji and he will continue to work towards the growth and development of the organisation in future.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance –





Meet Hon. Ms. Aliya Hanif


Meet Hon. Ms. Ro Mereani Matanisiga