Meet Hon. Ms. Ro Mereani Matanisiga

Great things come after a storm and the feeling of accomplishing the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) was a great reward for Ms. Ro Mereani Matanisiga.

Ms. Matanisiga is originally from Serua Island with maternal links to Navakawau, Taveuni and is currently pursuing her law degree at the Fiji National University.

Like other trainees, Ms. Matanisiga also faced some challenges during the BDTP and one of which was concerning her serious health condition. She worked hard and challenged herself to go beyond her limits despite the challenges she faced. Juggling the workload of the BDTP and law school was hard but she managed to tackle it through hard work and sheer determination.

Ms. Matanisiga believes that to overcome challenges, the people you choose to be around you are important as they are the ones that push you to become better. Giving up was never an option for Ms. Matanisiga as she reminded herself from time to time that if she gave up, she wouldn’t be able to prove to herself that she can do anything.

Ms. Matanasiga is also grateful to have learned Diplomacy from and under the leadership of UNA Fiji’s President and Founder, Mr. Akmal Ali. In addition, she is grateful to have been in sessions facilitated by respective Ambassadors, High Commissioners, and other profound Chief Guests.

Taking part in an actual UN Model Conference was one of Ms. Matanisiga’s favourite moment as a trainee. Although it was pretty challenging, the summation has taught her to put her country first before her own opinions and interests. All in all, she has enjoyed every bit of the training and the learning experiences gained out of it and dedicates this achievement to her parents and three sisters.

Ms. Matanisiga’s advice to anyone is to continue doing your best in everything that you do. You never know whom you may be inspiring.

With Class, Dignity, & Elegance –





Meet Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram


Meet Hon. Ms. Ilisapeci Dikili Time