Meet Hon. Ms. Shimnaz Shareen Ali

Meet 19 year old Hon. Ms. Shimnaz Shareen Ali who is from the 'soccer-crazy' town of Ba. She is a second year student at the University of the South Pacific (USP), majoring in Environmental Management.

Ms. Ali is typically surrounded by ladies and girls, with the only man in the house being her father. One thing they all believe in is that one should be strong and independent regardless of their marital status. Her mother, grandparents, and aunts are a constant source of inspiration for this young lady.

Despite being ill, her mother goes to work, and her grandmother is a strong, patient, and determined woman. Ms. Ali’s greatest hope and act of kindness comes from her granny. Last but not the least, her two aunts, Zoya, who is the most patient of all and, Zaira Begg, who is her second source of inspiration. No matter what, she will always assert that if there is a will there's a way. Adding one more individual is her family friend Niumy Kavoa who strengthens Ms. Ali at every lower moment of her life. In that aspect, these women have had a significant influence on Ms. Ali.

She is happy to graduate from Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP). “The difficulties I experienced included my inability to converse and project confidence on in stage or any other public setting. I also came to the realization that sharing your load with someone you can trust will help you feel lighter. I often felt alone but when I started this program it made me realize that it's good to walk alone if it makes you feel at peace”.

Ms. Ali stated she was able to tackle these hurdles because she had a wonderful facilitator who made sure everyone was overcoming their personal obstacles and boundaries. Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali knew each person's potential and pushed them to overcome these obstacles, as did the BDTP trainees and coordinators.

BDTP helped Ms. Ali maintain a healthy balance in her life because it is highly relevant and will benefit people in both their personal and professional lives.

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UNA Fiji, its initiatives and the Diplomacy Training Programme please visit our website

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance –





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