Present at the graduation ceremony was Chief Guest Hon. Mr. Jiko Coqabula Rasoqosoqo Chief of Protocol - Ministry for Foreign Affairs; and guest speakers His Excellency Mr. Ilham Tuah Illias - High Commissioner of Malaysia to Fiji; and Hon. Ms. Arieta Koila Costello - UNA Fiji’s Peace Building Advisor.

Hon. Mr. Rasoqosoqo highlighted that “Fiji recognizes the importance of leadership skills and diplomatic training, not only in Fiji but across the region and is determined to promote and advance the education of its people”. He encouraged the graduates to make the best use of their leadership and diplomatic skills to realize their own potential and play their part in helping communities improve their quality of life.

H.E., High Commissioner Mr. Illias briefly spoke of the background of Malaysia and told the graduates that Fiji and Malaysia have strong bi-lateral agreements. He also expressed the gratitude of Malaysia to Fiji for sending 1,600 of their sons to Malaya during the Emergency they faced in 1952. He then encouraged the graduates to remember God, their parents, teachers and the country they serve as they embark on the journey of life especially when they are overwhelmed by the heavy burden of responsibility.

Hon. Ms. Costello reminded the graduates to always stay positive and encouraged them to use their peacebuilding skills constructively when dealing with conflict to influence changes that need to happen.

Graduate Speaker Mr. Muzzain Ud-Dean also shared his experience as a BDTP trainee. “I am reminiscent of the time when I joined, not knowing what to expect. I had my doubts, travelling all the way from Nadi every Saturday, until a demanding situation arose which I was able to resolve”. He told the guests that if it were not for what he learnt here, he would not have been in a position to do so and that dispute would have continued unchecked.

Special Awards were presented to the following graduates:

1.      BEST DELEGATE – Mr. Mohammed Muzzain Ud-Dean

2.      GRADUATE SPEAKER – Mr. Mohammed Muzzain Ud-Dean

3.      HONOURABLE MENTION – Ms. Ilisapeci Dikili Time

4.      PROACTIVE AWARD – Ms. Shaminaz Shareen Ali

5.      CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION- Mr. Craig Jonathan Theodore Ricardo

Once again, congratulations to the graduates of BDTP2022 on their achievement and a big thank you to all those who attended and helped make the event a success. Special thanks to family and friends of all the graduates and the facilitators of the BDTP sessions for their continuous support towards molding our young leaders to become Active Fijian citizens of our beloved nation.

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Day 2 of UNA Fiji’s Basic Diplomacy Training Programme 2022 MUN Conference continued at Dudley High School in Toorak, Suva City, Republic of Fiji.

Taking on the role of UN Security Council, the BDTP Trainees continued participating vigorously on the agenda throughout the day and were finally able to resolve various issues regarding the Russian — Ukrainian Conflict.

The topics of food security, sanction imposition, one world order, the effects of inflation and the impacts of climate change were brought forward as pressing issues. Following lengthy discussions, debates and much deliberation in relation to this, a unanimous draft resolution was drawn up towards a positive outcome for all.

The Conference came to a close and was wrapped up at 11:00 P.M. in the evening.

The aspiring BDTP 2022 Trainees performed commendably in their role as delegates of the UN Security Coucil during the Conference towards promoting international peace together. They now look forward to graduating from the Diplomacy Training Programme, the ceremony for which will be held at a later date.

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Saturday, 16 July was Day 1 of the BDTP 2022 Model United Nations (MUN) Conference held at Eden Street, Dudley High School, Toorak, Suva City, Republic of Fiji.

Eighteen trainees participated in the Conference and became delegates of nations under the UN Security Council, discussing and debating on topics pertaining to the Russian - Ukrainian Conflict.

Topics ranged from people displacement and refugees to weaponisation of food, with tailor-made conspiracy theories for the purpose of debate also being discussed.

The Conference gave the delegates the opportunity to put into practise skills acquired during the 2022 Basic Diplomacy Training Programme by having them engage in respectful, diplomatic dialogue with open-mindedness and innovative ideas while doing justice as representatives of their respective nations in the pursuit of peace.

The BDTP MUN Conference was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. and will continue on Saturday, 23 July 2022.

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Today, the United Nations Association (UNA) Fiji members, BDTP trainees and volunteers were involved with the 2022 Community Impact Project (CIP) that was part of UNA Fiji’s Basic Diplomacy Training Programme for 2022.

This year's CIP was divided into two phases, the first being the planting of trees and the second phase being shore cleaning at Suva Point.

UNA Fiji's CIP revolved around Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) 14 (Life below water) and 15 (Life on Land) with the aim to fight the battle against #climatechange.

With the help of the Ministry of Forestry, Fiji, UNA Fiji members, trainees and volunteers planted approximately 100 trees (Fruit trees and Native trees) at Assemblies Of God High School.

Assemblies Of God High School Assistant Principal Ms. Taina Verekauta thanked the UNA Fiji members and trainees for flourishing their orchard with fruit trees along with few native trees. "I am glad to see young people giving back to their community and especially to this school".

Ms. Verekauta wished that her students were here to witness this initiative, saying, "Some of the students will be witnessing the growth of native trees such as the vesi plant for the first time".

Ms. Verekauta has dedicated a area in her school to UNA Fiji for planting of trees and she looks forward to UNA Fiji for planting more trees in years to come.

Ministry of Forestry's Assistant Director of Forestry Operations, Waisale Vunisa also thanked UNA Fiji and Assemblies Of God High School for this initiative. Mr. Vunisa urged everyone to plant trees and contribute back to the land that has given us so much.

He encouraged everyone to reach out to any Ministry of Forestry office if they want to plant trees.

The second phase of the CIP was shore cleaning where approximately 180 kg of trash was collected.

Once again, a big vinaka vakalevu to all those who contributed towards the BDTP 2022 Community Impact Project.

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Today was the last class of BDTP 2022 and the Chief Guest in today’s class was Permanent Secretary for Fisheries and Forestry Mr. Pene Nonu Baleinabuli.

Mr. Baleinabuli discussed the profile, roles, responsibilities, objectives, strategic plans, achievements, recovery, future projects, success stories and operations of the Ministries of Fisheries and Forestry with the trainees. He told the trainees that the aim of both the ministries is to achieve all the 18 Sustainable Development Goals implemented by the United Nations; not just goals #SDG14 and #SDG15.

Mr. Baleinababui added that the main aim for the Ministry is to promote the importance of trees, forests and ecosystem. “In January 2019 the Ministry started with the initiative of ‘Plant a 30 Million Trees in 15 years’ but, in only three and half years, we have planted 12 million trees. And these are trees that we planted and have grown,” he said.

Mr. Baleinabuli further told the trainees that Fiji has the highest production of mahogany in the world, how communities are helping the ministry in raising the seedlings (community engagement), carbon credit and work of the ministry during COVID-19 pandemic. He further explained to the trainees how the ministry is working with the private sectors to boost Fiji’s economy.

In addition, he also spoke about the work of the Ministry of Fisheries and the 3 main areas the Ministry focus on which Offshore, Inshore and Aquaculture. The Chief Guest emphasized that the reality of the work that they do is to focus on the science to provide sufficient resources for consumers. “Get the science right. Get the economy right.”

The Ministry is said to be doing well in terms of production and how they has been minimum input and maximum output surrounding their respective work. Mr. Baleinabuli ended the session by stressing the importance of being good leaders.

After the lunch break, the trainees practised how they will represent their countries during United Nations Association summations.

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Mindfulness training is the training of oneself to be completely present in a given moment. It incorporates therapeutic and grounding exercises which aim to assist participants in countering their natural, human tendencies to relive past events or worry about the future.

While relating the training to the Art of Diplomacy during a reflective and optimistic session, United Nations Association (UNA) Fiji's President, Mr. Akmal Ali reminded the trainees that Diplomacy coexists with Mindfulness.

"A diplomat is one who can master himself. No matter what anyone does, it will not affect you. As a diplomat, you know how to get the best out of the situation. A true diplomat is one who doesn't run away and tackles issues with calmness, tactfulness and Mindfulness."

The day's session ended with an activity to engage and encourage confidence and the boldness to face any fear.

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Today's training began with the United Nations Association (UNA) Fiji's President Honourable Mr. Akmal Ali briefly explaining to the trainees about the agenda paper created for their Model United Nations (MUN) Summations.

Mr. Ali advised the trainees to start acting like diplomats from now till the day of Summations. He highlighted this so the trainees could get the vibe of how diplomats represent their country at UN conferences.

Moving on, Mr. Shivnesh Ram facilitated a session whereby he recapped on topics from the d’MUN Handbook that are most relevant to MUN Summations (i.e., Right to Reply, Types of Discussion, Flow of debate, Caucusing and Points and Motions) whilst also stressing on the importance of research.

"Research leads to knowledge and knowledge leads to power".

Moreover, the trainees were educated on the roles of Committee Chair, the Rapporteur, Time Keeper and note passing during UN meetings and conferences. Mr. Ali further elaborated on note passing, preparation for UN conferences and what information must be considered when doing research on country profiles. Tips on how to write effective Resolutions, Opening Statements, and Position Papers were also given.

The day’s session concluded with the trainees practicing on and strengthening their public speaking abilities to better equip them for speaking during their upcoming MUN Summations.

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Session 1: Chargé d’Affaires at the United States Embassy, Hon. Mr. Tony Greubel.

Session 2: Acting British High Commissioner to Fiji, His Excellency (H.E.) Mr. Paul Welsh.

The Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy, Hon. Mr. Tony Greubel was the Chief Guest of the morning session. He started by discussing various jobs and the different sections within the US Embassy in Fiji. Hon. Mr. Greubel further gave insights about the US Foreign Policies, Educational Programs available for Fijians in the US and other opportunities that are available for the locals.

“This is my favourite part of the job. Coming out and engaging with the community.”

In addition, he expressed the significance of the relations between the US, the Pacific and the various developments they have made over the years.

On the subject of Diplomacy, he stated how important it was to establish personal relationships and get to know your host country first. He further advised the trainees on the importance of being genuine and honest in every work that we do.

The Acting British High Commissioner, H.E. Mr. Paul Welsh was the Chief Guest for the afternoon session. He talked about his personal experiences as a Diplomat and every aspect surrounding the work of Diplomacy.

“The art of negotiation is very important in diplomacy.”

Mr. Welsh also spoke on the importance of Loyalty when it comes to Diplomacy. It is important to know how loyal you can and have to be to your country while doing diplomatic acts. He also discussed UK’s overall relations with other nations and how much it has changed over the years.

Both guests ended with a Q&A session where trainees were allowed to ask and clarify any question they had, and this allowed for interaction and more discussion.

We thank both the respected Diplomats for their time and for making this learning experience an enjoyable one at the same time.

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Peacebuilding Advisor to the United Nations Association (UNA) Fiji, Ms. Arieta Koila Costello covered the topics of Negotiation and Dialogue to further up-skill the BDTP Trainees on Peacebuilding with respect to Diplomacy.

Ms. Costello gave important tips on using courageous conversation and the skills necessary for effective negotiations when conflict or disagreements arise i.e., Conflict Analysis, Communication, Problem-solving skills, Planning skills, People Oriented skills, Cultural Competence and Evaluation skills. She also introduced the Conflict Management Model which the trainees were tasked to use for evaluating situations and creating solutions to address the POSITIONS, ISSUES and INTERESTS of the parties involved and reach a collaborative win-win result.

Conflicts of interest can arise anywhere, from the International Arena to our daily lives at home. Ms. Costello reminded the trainees that “our greatest tests come in times of conflict” and stressed the importance of always speaking truth, showing empathy, understanding power dynamics during negotiation, being a mindful communicator and welcoming silence to make rational decisions rather than emotional ones which may jeopardize the situation further.

The day ended with the trainees further practicing mindful communication and negotiation through role play using realistic scenarios in local traditional and urban I-taukei and Indian settings in their respective vernacular. The purpose of the exercise was to better showcase conflict and resolution in our personal lives and show how easily situations can get personal and out of control, reminding us to stay focused on the issue at hand rather than the individual’s behaviour.

The knowledge imparted to the trainees and skills they have acquired during this 2-part workshop on PEACEBUILDING and NEGOTIATION will certainly be valuable tools for the BDTP Model United Nations (MUN) Summations to be conducted later in the year.

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Facilitated by Ms. Arieta Koila Costello who is also the Peace Building Advisor for the United Nations Associations (UNA) Fiji.

The discussion focused on the topic of PEACEBUILDING with respect to Diplomacy. The class began with an activity whereby the different groups were required to explain their understanding on the following terms – Conflict, Peace, Influence, Negotiations, Relationship and Trust.

Following this activity, Ms. Costello further discussed into detail the above terms and how they were all related to diplomacy. She stated that while all these terms are related, Trust is the glue to all of this and that these terms are fundamental keys to what peacebuilding is.

“To reach a state of positive peace, we must work hard and work together”.

Ms. Costello also explained the cycle of Peace building and the steps to achieving it. The steps included Advocating for Change, Building Capacity, Transforming Relationships and Reducing direct violence. These steps help to deal with strengthening people and what they are capable of. Shen then conducted a question and answer and a self-evaluation session with the trainees. This session allowed the trainees to interact and critically evaluate themselves on a deeper level.

In addition, she stressed to the trainees the importance of acknowledging your roots and experiences and help people whenever you can.

“The smallest things matter. How you use your power is important.”

During the afternoon session, Ms. Costello spoke on the topic of TRUST. She stated that trust has three components which are expectations, needs and promises.

During a discussion session with the Trainees, Ms. Costello further emphasized that Trust is not about what you have done for people or what they have done for you. It’s about feelings and how you were treated or felt. She discussed to the trainees that when you meet a relative or a friend after a long time, what we remember is the feeling associated with them. Later in the afternoon, Mr. Ram covered points and motions to the trainees.

Ms. Costello will continue to facilitate the BDTP class 2022 on the topic of “Negotiations” next Saturday.

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Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) Training #8 30 March 2022 began with the presentation of a painting created by trainee, Ms. Nancy Sharma on Climate Change. This work is part of the UNA Fiji trainees’ individual assignment whereby the trainees are tasked to individually create artworks tied to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Following this short presentation, the morning session of the day officially commenced, for which the Guest of Honour was Dr, Sandra Tarte – Associate Professor, Acting Head of School (SoLASS), Director Politics and International Affairs Programme at the University of the South Pacific. She presented on the topic “Diplomacy of Small and Developing States”.

Dr. Tarte spoke on the various aspects and functions of small states (like those in the Pacific region) as members of the United Nations. She also mentioned that small states face fundamental problems and challenges when it comes to Diplomacy particularly, Government and Foreign Affairs, structural barriers, capacity and financial constraints, lack of trained diplomats and most importantly, limited economic, political and military power.

“These countries and nations may be small, but they have agencies and they can make a difference”.

In addition, Dr. Tarte explained the strategies and options these small states have with respect to the various challenges they face. She mentioned that small states are equal members of international communities. The strategies discussed included Regional Corporation, Multilateral Diplomacy, Niche Diplomacy and Proactive Diplomacy. She emphasised that, we as small states can combine our resources to form a pool of expertise and work together at global level to boost our bargaining power. With respect to Multilateral Diplomacy, Dr. Tarte stated that Group Diplomacy like that of G-77, Non-Alliance Movement, Pacific Island SIDs at UN are crucial as small states on their own cannot make a difference but through working together as a group, we can.

In the afternoon session, Mr. Shivnesh Ram continued his presentation from the previous week, elaborating primarily on Model United Nations (MUN). This included an overview of MUN, note-taking during meetings, rules of procedure, Resolution Papers and most importantly the various Points and Motions used during summations. The presentation on these topics was quite extensive and the knowledge gained from this session will be assessed during BDTP 2022 MUN Summations.

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We are all human. Thus, as leaders, it is paramount that we remember our humanity and holistically consider the people, issues, and actions around us, as good leadership equates to good governance. Being a good leader means to make decisions while having the best interest of all parties involved. This was further reiterated by BDTP 2022 trainee, Mr. Dean who added: “You can only progress if you are open to everyone’s ideas”, while him and his colleagues were divided into groups to discuss and present on ‘Ego Leadership’ and “Mana Leadership’ during the morning session.

Post-discussion, it was concluded that egoism and good leadership do not often go hand-in-hand, whereas having a ‘Mana-personality’ is typically a sign of a good leader. A Mana leader is noted as a Changemaker; a person who believes in change through conviction, discipline, and action with a holistic approach. Hence, it is important that we, as future/ current leaders of our beloved nation, strive to become Mana Leaders who practice good Leadership.

Being open to negotiations is also an aspect of good leadership. “Without dialogue, nothing can be solved,” said Mr. Akmal Ali of UNA Fiji. He then concluded the morning session by allowing the trainees to play a game of Chinese Whisper to help them better understand the importance of registering information before passing it on to others.

The Standing Committee Co-ordinator of UNA Fiji, Mr. Shivnesh Ram, facilitated the afternoon session of the day. In a presentation titled “UN Diplomacy 101”, Mr. Ram gave the BDTP trainees an in-depth history of the United Nations and discussed its purpose and various objectives. The trainees were also informed of the six (6) governing bodies of the UN, their roles and committees, the voting and election procedures and processes in the various UN committees, as well as their rules of procedure.

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The Guest of Honor for today's session was Executive Director of Philanthropy Pacific and Executive Officer at Rotary Pacific Water for Life Foundation, Mr. Neil Maharaj. He was introduced by Mr. Vipin Maharaj, who is the BDTP 2022 Head Coordinator.

Mr. Neil Maharaj started his session with a brief introduction of his background in the NGO sector and journey to Rotary Pacific Water for Life Foundation. He further expanded on the missions and objectives of Rotary Pacific Water which includes assessing, managing, designing and constructing safe water systems in rural and deprived areas. He further highlighted on the ground reality of inadequate water sanitation in the interior of Fiji, giving trainees perspective on grassroot level community work.

Mr. Maharaj also touched base on strengthening important partnerships as well as on SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; highlighting how Rotary Water Pacific has integrated it’s goals and is walking in line with SDG 6.

He also linked Diplomacy with his NGO work stating, “a high level of Diplomacy is necessary to complete any project.” This includes negotiating with landowners and communities.

In the afternoon session, President of UNA Fiji, Mr. Ali, started on the topic of SDG’s and Climate Action. Trainees were divided into groups of five for this session and given a special assignment on evidence-based policy advocacy.

Mr. Ali also went through how climate action specifically relates to Pacific nations in the region.

Further emphasis was given on nuclear testing across the Pacific its history and implications for the future. The trainees also had a healthy discussion on the unit down in the Marshall Islands and International Relations are around the world about the subject matter.

Mr. Ali continued by further expanding on the treaty on the provision of nuclear testing, SDG policies and Global classrooms. The session ended with a thought-provoking sentence, “think globally, feel regionally and act locally”.

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Today, the BDTP trainees were fortunate to gain further insight on Diplomacy from two highly reputable guest speakers; the Indian High Commissioner to Fiji, H.E. Mr. P.S Karthigeyan and Pacific Disability Forum Director of Operations, Ms. Laisa Vereti.

The Indian High Commissioner to Fiji H.E. Mr. Karthigeyan was clearly fascinated by the BDTP and thanked the trainees for taking out their time to learn the Art of Diplomacy. He commended the President of UNA Fiji Mr. Akmal Ali for this and expressed his surprise at how long UNA Fiji’s Diplomacy Training Programme has been ongoing and the number of trainees having successfully completed it. He also mentioned that whilst they have their own foreign servicing stream and universities offering similar programmes in India, he had “never really seen an initiative like UNA Fiji” which offers training in the Art of Diplomacy.

Mr. Karthigeyan reiterated the importance of protocol and told the trainees that diplomacy is one of the oldest professions in the world and “to be a diplomat, one must be open to challenges, ideas, different cultures and most importantly be 100% committed to your country and people”. He also shared his valuable experience as a diplomat of his country with some history of India and the diplomatic relationship between Fiji and India as well as the actions taken by India regarding climate change in the Pacific region.

Later in the afternoon, the trainees had the privilege of welcoming our second Chief Guest - Director of Operations at the Pacific Disabilities Forum, Ms. Laisa Vereti. She shared her own work experiences and covered more aspects on The Art of Diplomacy and the importance of self-development and growth.

Ms. Vereti explained the need to plan everything and anything we do in life to achieve our dreams and goals. She encouraged the trainees to create a ‘Personal Development Plan ’and continue working on themselves in the area of diplomacy so they can find jobs as diplomats at regional level. “Plan your life well. You cannot be a diplomat if you don’t plan. Organize yourself to find a pathway that makes this diplomacy training program not go to waste. The goal is to be a diplomat or work in an organization that has diplomacy as its main field of work”.

Ms. Vereti also spoke on the topic and importance of having ‘Skills Sets’ as a diplomat. Develop soft skills and make friends through formal setting and informal settings and allow yourself to learn and be taught. Speaking from experience, she mentioned that allowing herself to learn despite the position she has held until this day, has become part of the success in her career.

She then stressed that every aspect of our lives must be balanced including personal, professional, academic, social and the spiritual. “Even the relationships you have matter, because the company you keep will define who you become in the next 3-5 years and where you end up in the future”.

In closing, Ms. Vereti advised the trainees to not limit themselves. “When you have the opportunity to study and elevate, do it”!

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The Guest of Honour for today’s session was Charge d’ affaires Spanish Embassy to Fiji Hon. Mr. Ignacio Tapia. He was introduced by Ms. Shimnaz Ali, who is a trainee of UNA Fiji.

Mr. Tapia mentioned that the procedure of becoming a diplomat varies in countries, whilst sharing his experiences being a diplomat in Spain. He discussed the procedures and culture of becoming a diplomat along with the effort and dedication required in gaining the required knowledge.

He further explained to the trainees that as a diplomat, try to understand the people and the culture of a country.

In addition, Mr. Tapia emphasised to the trainees that as a diplomat “Never lie about your Country. Diplomacy is also about being trustworthy and being reliable.. Enjoy and fulfill your job while understanding the place by being there”.

Mr. Tapia also explained the importance of protocol, negotiations, being humble, loyalty, the importance of United Nations Laws and how the different organisations work in Diplomacy.

Towards the end of the session, Mr. Tapia advised the students that reading and research is the key element in Diplomacy.

In the afternoon session, The President of UNA Fiji delivered a presentation titled — The Pacific Talanoa, Wayfinding Leadership: The Groundbreaking Wisdom for Developing Leaders.

The session included the value of Pacific knowledge, the characteristics of Leadership, the decolonising of minds and Wayfinding Leadership.

The session applied the Pacific Voyaging mechanism into the principles of leadership - the importance of being a captain and understanding the roles, and qualities of individual followers.

The Wayfinding Principles of Leadership reiterated on implementing values, human dynamics, and exploring destinations.

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“Protocol is the heart of diplomacy”– those were the words of Ms. Rosa Dalituicama to the trainees of the BDTP 2022.

Ms. Dalituicama was the chief guest of the morning session of the BDTP 2022 third class. She presented the mandated functions of the Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs that covered the global spectrum. In this interactive session, the trainees were reminded about the importance of #politics, #bilateralism, #multilaterism, and the rudiments of #protocol.

To better understand the principles of protocol, the trainees were shown a video that highlighted a clash between international and traditional protocol. The trainees also participated in quizzes that tested their familiarity with Fiji’s diplomatic missions, #honorifics, and the protocol practices. The idea was to gauge their global diplomacy awareness and to re-emphasise that protocol is the common platform of #diplomacy– a vital tool for mutual understanding.

In closing, the trainees were reminded that #Punctuality (timeliness), #DiplomaticEtiquette (situational awareness), #Precision (attention to detail), and #Courtesy (manners) create a distinctive blend in the protocol expanse. Mr. Dean, a current trainee delivered the vote of thanks and highlighted that “the accomplishments of becoming a diplomat were truly inspiring”.

In addition, the afternoon session of the training witnessed a mock #MelanesianSpearheadGroup (MSG) summation that was organised by the UNA Fiji members. The senior members participated in the presence of the current trainees, to help prepare them for the summation at the end of their training period. The mock summation detailed the debate procedures and their alignment with the d’MUN Junior handbook.

The trainees learnt about #Motions, #Points, and the importance of #Time in the United Nations (UN) political platform.

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“Today’s class is all about YOU!” - President of the United Nations Association of Fiji, Mr. Akmal Ali told the trainees of the BDTP 2022.

In this session dedicated to self-development, trainees were taken through a whole day of the workshop on increasing their self-awareness, gaining valuable insight into different styles of leadership, and learning how to better manage themselves. The idea here was to assist the trainees to excel in their lives as leaders.

The trainees participated in activities that helped them reflect and reassess close-to-heart challenges that they could overcome and at the same time identify what could be done to add value to their lives leading to a life of peaceful living.

The trainees were encouraged to turn their weaknesses or negative qualities into their strengths and given certain suggestions on how to do so. They were also encouraged to be open to learning and continuously seek ways and means to improve themselves for the better.

Lastly, the trainees were allowed to discuss what they had learned and presented the following reflections in groups: (1.) Everyone has different backgrounds, (2.) Everything starts with you, (3.) The importance of discipline, (4.) How becoming a changemaker starts from the little things you do like making your bed, and (5.) Keeping your options open and being committed to the tasks you are given.

The overall feedback was very positive and encouraging.

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The Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) 2022 classes have officially commenced with the first-in-class session facilitated by the President of UNA Fiji, Mr. Akmal Ali, who discussed the importance of protocol in diplomacy and why it is an important pillar of leadership.

He began by defining leadership as being passionate, holistic, and walking the talk. “A leader keeps on moving. If roads are broken, look for new roads. At the end of the day, it’s about reaching the destination.”  Mr. Ali said, “No matter how difficult the journey is, it will be all worth it at the end", whilst sharing his Tokelau mission experience with the trainees.

He stressed on the importance of following the protocols of being a diplomat and covered various topics to support this. These included punctuality, personal conduct, outward appearance, setting up a workspace, note taking, speaking etiquette and words to always avoid, responding to invitations, applying general rules for guests, handshake and addressing different diplomats, and even how to set up the dining table. 

Diplomatic etiquette is about following correct procedures. It is the art of ensuring the official and unofficial occasions, visits, meetings, and functions are planned and conducted by a set of rules that are formally, socially, and culturally expected and accepted by the parties involved.

Mr. Ali also highlighted the presence of diplomacy and protocols in the traditional Fijian community and urged the trainees to understand the various traditional regulations, processes, and structures which govern our own country well before choosing to become diplomats and representatives of their nation to the world.

The trainees were also given a reflective exercise that allowed them to reflect on their own experiences — further emphasising the importance of mindfulness, being self-aware, and being present in the moment.

Mr. Ali reminded the trainees, "we all have our strengths and weaknesses. It’s about taking responsibility, not being sorry, and playing the victim". He also encouraged the trainees to identify their strengths and work on improving their areas of weakness.

The session ended with the trainees going through an exercise of identifying decision avoidance, which is a trait no leader can have. It was emphasized that at the end of the day, as leaders, if a decision is to be made, it must be made or else this would create havoc in the system of goverance.


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United Nations Associations of Fiji (UNA Fiji) welcomed 22 new trainees in its Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) 2022. The orientation programme to welcome these trainees was held at the Dudley High School in Suva, Fiji on Saturday, 12 February 2022.

The Chief Guest at the event was the Secretary-General of the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) Ambassador Mr. Solo Mara, with Acting British High Commissioner His Excellency Paul Welsh, Charge d’ affaires Spanish Embassy to Fiji Mr. Ignacio Tapia, and Sai Prema Foundation Director Mr. Sumeet Tappoo being invited as guests of honour.

The guests present and representatives of UNA Fiji delivered inspiring speeches to the new trainees and existing members of the Association. 

Ambassador Mr. Solo Mara acknowledged how advancements in technology have paved the way for a world equipped with better diplomacy.  “Given the advances in technology, particularly in communication, IT and travel, the world has become [relatively speaking], much smaller”. He reminded the trainees of the wealth of knowledge they possess at their disposal via the internet, and how they can better educate themselves on various issues.  He also described diplomacy as “the art of building relationships”, asserting the importance of empathy, understanding, and seeking common ground. Mr. Mara reminded the trainees of the importance of being a good storyteller and being active listeners, adding: “Only then can you build bridges between countries, cultures, and people”.

His Excellency Mr. Welsh started his speech by acknowledging the late Hon. Maui, Vice Patron to the UNA Fiji. He reminded the trainees of the fact that not having a set plan for the future was acceptable. “If you're young, don't rush. Don't beat yourself up for not knowing what you want to do. It's perfectly normal. Take your time,” he said. Mr. Welsh also reassured the trainees that their background does not play a role in their future development. 

Spanish Embassy to Fiji Mr. Ignacio Tapia delivered a humbling speech, stating the importance of continuing the learning process throughout life and reinforcing the importance of talking and understanding people. “We learn, we are taught by our seniors, we are taught by the people we live with. We try to learn from every single thing,” he said, emphasizing that the key to diplomacy is to keep learning and keep asking. 

This event also marked the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Sai Prema Foundation and UNA Fiji to cement their collaborative partnership, as both organisations have common visions, missions, objectives, and goals for the future. Through this MOU, both organisations will aim to develop greater cooperation to make a difference in the lives of Fijians through various projects and initiatives. 

In his speech, Mr. Tappoo focused on the idea of compassion and love for each other. He followed by quoting the words of his wise spiritual leader, saying: “The world needs just leaders who can protect the world.” Mr. Tappoo reminded the trainees to be the change they hope to bring into the world and was optimistic that through this new partnership both the organisations would work towards serving the people of Fiji together. 

Governance Advisor of UNA Fiji, Ms. Lorraine Seeto, and its President, Mr. Akmal Ali was glad to welcome the new, successful applicants of the training programme. Their warm welcomes were followed by words of encouragement from a former trainee (soon to be graduate) and now a member at UNA Fiji, Ms. Setaita Lomani, who provided the information from a trainee’s insight and motivated them to continue working hard. “I hope that you will discover over the next few weeks, what I have discovered during my training period. You will be learning along the way, and you will be trained by renowned leaders.” She ended her speech with a quote from Confucius, “The man who says he can, and the man who says he cannot, are both correct” – reminding the trainees of the importance of having the right mindset.

On behalf of UNA Fiji, we would like to thank everyone present for making the orientation ceremony a success. We once again thank our new partners, the Sai Prema Foundation, for standing by us to help more Fijians through various initiatives and the dance performers from the Indian High Commission for demonstrating classical Indian dances throughout the ceremony.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance –




Basic Diplomacy Training Programme intake 2022 is now CLOSED!

This is for anyone over 15 years of age and who is interested to participate in this 107 hour programme that provides an educational simulation and/or academic activity in which trainees can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. This is a capacity-building programme where participants learn speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. The ultimate goal of which is to create Active Fijian Citizens or Global Citizens. It is a chance for you to develop your leadership through the Art of Diplomacy. 

The venue will definitely be Suva City, Republic of Fiji. 

Successful applicants will be at the latest be notified by 4:00 p.m. Saturday, 05 February 2022 (Suva Time). Orientation will be on Saturday, 12 February 2022. Classes/Activities commence the following week.

Class/ Activity Schedule for Class of 2022

Class #1 - 19 February 

Class #2 - 26 February

Break - 5 March

Class #3 - 12 March

Class #4 - 19 March

Class #5 - 26 March

Make-up/ break - 2 April

Class #6 - 9 April

Break - 16 April 

Class #7 - 23 April

Class #8 - 30 April

Make-up/ break - 7 May

Class #9 - 14 May

Class #10 - 21 May

Class #11 - 28 May

Make-up/ break - 4 June

Class #12  - 11 June

Class #13 - 18 June

Class #14 - 25 June

Make-up/ break - 2 July

Day of Activism/Community Impact - 9 July

Summation (Modal UN Conferance) Day 1 -  16 July

Summation (Modal UN Conferance) Day 2 - 23 July

Graduation Day - 30 July

Class timing will be 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. with a 15 minutes break and 60 minutes of lunch.

All participants are to report to the class venue 30 minutes before start time. No late arrivals will be entertained.

Training will be conducted in English and will be only held in a face-to-face mode.  

For more information refer to the poster below or contact us.

Terms and Conditions apply.

UNA Fiji Admissions Team


