21 individuals were awarded for their tremendous efforts, skills and perseverance shown throughout the comprehensive 150 hours of the 2023 Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (#BDTP). The momentous occasion was not only a milestone for the new graduates, but also one for the Association - as this year’s Diplomacy Training Progamme was sponsored by the U.S. Government.
Chief Guest Hon. Mr. John Degory, Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy Suva, commended the graduates on their accomplishment thus far as budding Pacific leaders in their respective fields. “This achievement is a testament to your hard work and skills”. Hon. Mr. Degory further encouraged the graduates to continue honing the skills acquired through BDTP, and also reminded them that this accomplishment should be viewed as a step toward greater, future opportunities in their personal and professional lives.
Deputy Secretary General – Strategic Policy & Programming of The Pacific Islands Forum, Hon. Mr. Esala Nayasi spoke on personal and professional growth through experiences in life. Hon. Mr. Nayasi emphasized the importance of treating every experience in life as an opportunity to learn, as well as the importance of nurturing skills useful in everyday life such as Leadership and Diplomacy. Highlighting the skills tied to Diplomacy, he ended by saying, “Diplomacy is not an art limited to foreign policy, but one that can be a useful tool in everyday life”.
Following this, BDTP 2023 graduate Hon. Ms. Kelera Tamani reflected on her transformative experience in the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme and how it has helped her as a local businesswoman from Kadavu. “This course not only broadened my horizons but also helped me discover the importance of self-discipline, and it has instilled in me the courage to face any challenges that life may throw my way. With the knowledge and skills gained from this course, I am equipped to navigate the complexities of life and serve my customers and community better. Looking ahead, I am excited to apply my newfound insights to my business in Kadavu, with aspirations to expand, to bring more services to my community, and to build a brighter future for my family.”
Graduate Speaker of BDTP 2023 Hon. Mr. Nehoray Azan Al-Nazhir also shared his experience as a BDTP trainee and congratulated his peers. “Today we gather here to celebrate our graduation, not only by donning the gowns of material, but having donned the mantle of global citizenship. We live in world that values display of strength through dominance. We are to display a different kind of strength- the strength to compromise; the strength to persevere in the face of adversity; the strength to empathise. From what we have learnt it is no secret that diplomacy is not an easy path, but it surely is a path that leads to lasting solution which is mindful of all.”
Furthermore, reminding his fellow graduates of the lessons learnt, experiences gained, and moments cherished, Mr. Al-Nazhir implored that the topics taught during the programme be practiced in all facets of the graduates’ lives – with the intention of standing for peace, justice, and unity.
Special Awards were presented to the following graduates:
1. BEST TEAM – Team Magimagi.
2. DEDICATION AWARD – Ms. Elizabeth Jackie Joan Osborne
3. PROACTIVE AWARD – Ms. Patrisha Amita Chand
4. MERITORIOUS AWARD – Ms. Yashoda Nandini Chetty
5. COORDINATORS AWARD – Ms. Avita Vikashni Singh
6. COMMENDATION AWARD – Mr. Azha'ar Khan, Ms. Kelera Tamani and Ms. Symone Mar
7. HONOURABLE MENTION – Ms. Freda Junara
and Mr. Irfan Ali
8. BEST DELEGATE AWARD – Mr. Nehoray Azan Al-Nazhir
9. GRADUATE SPEAKER - Mr. Nehoray Azan Al-Nazhir
Founder and President of United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) acknowledge the U.S. Embassy for sponsoring this year's BDTP.
"This year's BDTP, supported by the US Embassy in Suva, celebrates 21 accomplished graduates who've completed the program with dedication and skill. As they transition into active citizens, they exemplify the concept of 'leadership through the art of diplomacy.' The program equips them with vital global skills—research, communication, and public speaking—while delving into multilateralism and global issue-solving. We thank the US Embassy for their support, underlining the significance of nurturing the next generation of global citizens. Together, we're shaping a more just and peaceful world."
Once more, congratulations to the cohort of 2023 graduates, and vinaka vakalevu to everyone who made this fruitful and memorable journey a success. We once again express our sincere gratitude to the U.S. Government and U.S. Embassy for their continuous support throughout the year, to the advisors of UNA Fiji, our generous donors and partners, and also the graduates' families for their support in shaping these 21 individuals into active Fijian Citizens who shall go on to represent their respective communities with Class, Dignity and Elegance.

The Day 2 and Day 3 of UNA Fiji’s Basic Diplomacy Training Programme 2023 MUN Conference continued at Dudley High School in Toorak, Suva City, Republic of Fiji.
The Chair of the UN Model Conference the Founder and President of United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali and the Deputy Executive Officer for the Office of the President, Hon. Mr. Mohammed Muzzain Ud-Dean. The Rapporteur was BDTP 2023 Co-ordinator, Hon. Mr. Mavneel Lal and the Timekeeper was Executive Officer for the Office of the President, Hon. Mr. Salih Khan.
Twenty-one BDTP 2023 trainees continued their debate and discussion during the Conference Agenda being United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East while deliberating Israeli practices and settlement activities affecting the rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the occupied territories.
The trainees represented countries under the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee, Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs Committee (SOCHUM).
Day 2 Saturday, 12 August 2023 MUN Conference started at 9:00 a.m. and conference was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
On Day 3, Saturday, 19 August 2023 MUN Conference started at 9:00 a.m. and ended at 5:00 p.m. with the drafting of the resolution paper.
The Countries were divided in two group whereby, in Group 1 countries including Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Russia, Pakistan and Nigeria debated against countries including Canada, Germany, Italy, Kenya, UK and US on the Conference Agenda topic being United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East while deliberating Israeli practices and settlement activities affecting the rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the occupied territories.
Countries under Group 2 raised their voices on the topic “Solving the Refugee Crisis a Solution to all''. They discussed how each country under SOCHUM can come together and solve the refugee crisis which has been happening for many years.
The topic for the MUN Conference 2023, Draft Resolution Paper was “Addressing the Crisis Caused by Conflicts in Palestine, which are Affecting the Rights of Refugee” where sponsors were Federal Republic of Nigeria, The Republic of Türkiye, Arab Republic of Egypt, People's Republic of China, People's Republic of Bangladesh, The Russian Federation.
The signatories were The French Republic, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, The United States of America, Canada, Mexico.
The aspiring BDTP 2023 Trainees performed commendably in their role as delegates of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee, the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee towards promoting international peace together. They now look forward to graduating from the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme, the ceremony for which is held on Friday, 25 August 2023 at the Embassy of the United States of America to the Republic of Fiji,158 Princes Road, Suva.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Suva
With Class, Dignity & Elegance –

The United Nations (MUN) conference for the BDTP 2023 was held at Eden Street, Dudley High School, Toorak, Suva City, Republic of Fiji.
The Chair of the UN Model Conference was the Acting-President of UNA Fiji Hon. Mr. Shivneet Kumar. The Judges were Hon. Mr. Mohammed Muzzain Ud-Dean, Hon. Ms. Sweta Kumar and Hon. Ms. Arci Singh. While the Rapporteur was Hon. Mr. Jared Veramu and the Timekeeper was Hon. Mr. Ricardo Craig.
Twenty-three BDTP 2023 trainess participated in the Conference Agenda being Global Refugee Crisis and Enhancing International Cooperation. They became the delegates and represented the nation's under the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee, the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee.
The conference was opened by the Chair, Hon. Mr. Kumar, where he welcomed the delegates and highlighted that "the global refugee crisis remains one of the most pressing challenges of our time, calling for urgent attention and collective action".
Moreover, during the summation, trainees implemented/ put to practice with whatever they had learned during the last 17 BDTP sessions.
The BDTP 2023 presented their "Opening Statement" and "Position Paper" with the intensive research they have done over the past few weeks on the country they represent and on the topic of refugee.
This MUN session provided a platform for the BDTP 2023 trainees to engage in meaningful and constructive dialogue, exchange ideas, and propose innovative solutions to address the complex issues surrounding refugees and displaced persons.
The BDTP 2023 MUN Conference was adjourned at 8 p.m. and will continue on Saturday, 12 August 2023.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Suva
With Class, Dignity & Elegance –

Melanesian Spear Head Group (MSG) Summation 2023 Saturday, 22 July 2023
As part of our Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) 2023, we conducted a highly impactful practical learning session for our Trainees! Where by the membership of the Association engaged in a captivating mock summation of the Melanesian Spear Head Group (MSG), wherein they assumed the roles of delegates from various MSG countries.
Throughout the week, the participants immersed themselves in extensive research which resulted in spirited debates during the day, all with the objective of reaching a resolution.
The aim of the mock summation was to give the BDTP 2023 Trainees a first-hand experience as to how a mock Model UN Conference works as they prepare for they final 2 days of Model UN Conference taking place Saturdays 5 and 12 August 2023.
As first part of the day the trainees had the opportunity to observe speeches and learn the art of participating in Moderated and Unmoderated Cacuses. They were further enriched by being assigned to the delegates' team, offering them a firsthand experience of the intricacies involved in a mock summation. The hands-on approach garnered overwhelming positive feedback from all the participants!
Heartfelt appreciation goes out to the membership of the association for spearheading this initiative and dedicating a week to thorough research, speech writing, and preparation. The thought-provoking topic of the summation, "WEST PAPUA: THE ISSUE THAT WON'T GO AWAY FOR MELANESIA," ignited critical discussions touching on history, development, self-determination and national sovereignty.
Initiatives like these are instrumental in nurturing the growth of future diplomats and fostering informed discussions on crucial regional and global matters. Let us persist in nurturing dialogue and understanding among nations to create a more harmonious and united world!
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Suva.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance –

UNA Fiji Community Impact Project - Building Local Leadership for Sustaining Shores: Empowering Coastal Communities for a Resilient Future
On Saturday 29 July 2023, the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) through its Community Impact Project (CIP), has successfully concluded its annual event, centered around the theme "Building Local Leadership for Sustaining Shores: Empowering Coastal Communities for a Resilient Future."
The project focused on crucial initiatives aimed at restoring mangrove habitats and nurturing the leadership potential of Fijian youth. This comprehensive approach aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs), addressing environmental and social challenges while fostering a sustainable future for Fiji's coastal communities.
Part 1: Mangrove Seedling Planting and Coral Planting in the Coral Coast Area of Viti Levu, Fiji.
The primary objective of this initiative was to achieve sustainable development goals, including Climate Action (#SDG13), Life Below Water (#SDG14), Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (#SDG16), and Partnerships for the Goals (#SDG17). The project's key achievements in this part were as follows:
Climate Resilience and Erosion Mitigation: 6676 mangrove seedlings were planted along the vulnerable Korotogo Coastline, serving as a natural barrier to mitigate coastal erosion and safeguard nearby communities from the impacts of rising sea levels and extreme weather events.
Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Empowerment: Local communities actively participated in the mangrove planting activities, offering sustainable livelihood opportunities through the sale of mangrove seedlings at FJD 1 each, reducing their reliance on vulnerable ecosystems.
Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Health: The restoration and expansion of mangrove habitats contributed to the conservation of Fiji's rich biodiversity, acting as vital nursery grounds for marine species and preserving local marine biodiversity.
Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation: The project actively contributes to global climate change mitigation efforts by leveraging the carbon sequestration capabilities of mangroves.
Environmental Education and Awareness: The project conducted educational programs to raise awareness among local communities about the importance of mangroves and coastal ecosystems, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental fragility and conservation efforts.
Chargé d’affaires ad interim of Spain in Fiji Mr. Gaël Sánchez was impressed with UNA Fiji’s CIP and participated in mangrove planting and building fish nurseries and coral cones.
“This week we celebrated the International Day of Mangrove ecosystems, by which the UN remind us of the vital role these natural superheroes play for our planet, especially where communities are especially vulnerable to climate change, such as in Fiji,” he said.
Mr. Sánchez said The Embassy of Spain is proud to support UNA Fiji in having such a positive local and global impact.
The Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort, Environment Officer, Ms. Maryanne Shaw was impressed and appreciated the UNA Fiji members and trainees for planting mangroves and building fish nurseries.
“This is a good initiative to allow organizations to help us in mangroves and coral planting,” she said.
Ms. Shaw said she looks forward to work with UNA Fiji in the future.
Part 2: Youth Leadership Training Agenda - Empowered Leaders, Empowered Futures
The second part of the project focused on nurturing the leadership potential of Fijian youth, aligning with Quality Education (#SDG4.7), Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (#SDG16), and Partnerships for the Goals (#SDG17). The key achievements of this part were as follows:
Empowering Youth Leaders: 23 Fijian youths from Nadroga Navosa Province underwent training in essential skills such as diplomatic excellence and effective pitching, becoming advocates for their communities and contributing to sustainable development.
Collaborative Platform for Innovative Solutions: Participants engaged in dynamic discussions on pressing issues affecting them and their peers, collectively proposing innovative solutions and fostering a collaborative platform for positive change.
Protocol Training: The objective of the protocol training session was empower the participants with essential skills and knowledge to navigate diverse settings with confidence and cultural sensitivity. It aimed to enhance their ability to engage in respectful senior officials and dignitaries as leaders.
Effective Pitching for Influence: Empowering participants with the art of effective pitching amplified their voices and helped drive their proposed solutions forward, enabling them to influence decision-makers and stakeholders positively.
Chief Guest at the opening ceremony was Merchant Finance Pte Limited, Head of Credit, Hon. Mr. Rizwan Hussain.
Mr. Hussian shared words of encouragement with the youths.
Mr. Hussain told the youths that to be an empowered leader is not just about having knowledge; it's about having the courage to act.
“It's about stepping out of your comfort zone, embracing innovation, and leading with integrity. Each one of you has a unique gift to offer, and I encourage you to use that gift to uplift your communities and create lasting impacts,” he said.
Mr. Hussain further reminded the youths that the road to success may not always be smooth, but it is the challenges that mold us into the leaders we are destined to be.
“Embrace failures as steppingstones to growth, and let setbacks fuel your determination to rise above every obstacle,” he added.
Chargé d’affaires ad interim of Spain in Fiji Mr. Gaël Sánchez was the Chief Guest at the closing ceremony at the event.
Mr. Sánchez said it is crucial to train and empower young citizens as a guarantee for future peace and prosperity.
“We thank, congratulate and support UNA Fiji for the important and meaningful role they play in this sense in this country. The Fijian youth is in good hands with them,” he said.
The President of UNA Fiji Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali said UNA Fiji’s Community Impact Project - "Building Local Leadership for Sustaining Shores: Empowering Coastal Communities for a Resilient Future" - exemplifies a comprehensive approach to address environmental and social challenges.
“By focusing on mangrove restoration and youth leadership development, the project aligns with several SDGs, ensuring a holistic and impactful contribution towards an inclusive, resilient, and empowered Fiji,” he said.
Mr. Ali said through partnerships and collaborative efforts, the project has forged a path towards a sustainable future for our coastal communities and beyond.
UNA Fiji would like to express its sincere gratitude to our Major Sponsor being U.S. Federal Government and the U.S. Embassy Suva.
Along with other sponsors Embajada De España En Fiji, Merchant Finance Limited, Vodafone Fiji, TotalEnergies, Eagle Cleaning Services (S.P) Ltd, Sunrise Aerated Water and Manufacturing (P.W.F) Ltd, Mar & Morris Fiji, Alliance Financial Tax and Insurance, Remington Fiji and Action for Sustainable Development.
This event was also assisted by NADROGA DISTRICT COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SERVICE (DCOSS), OUTRIGGER Fiji Beach Resort, CDP - Fiji’s First Courier and Pleass Global Limited.
This CIP is a symbol of genuine partnership between Civil Societies and Public-Private partnership #SDG17.17.
This BDTP 2023 is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Suva.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance –

The President of UNA Fiji, Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali, led the final in-class session where he informed the BDTP 2023 participants about the connection between diplomacy and mindfulness through Mindfulness Workshop.
Mr. Ali emphasized to the trainees that being mindful is speaking at the right time and right situation. He further emphasized on the importance of communication, learn how to deal with stress in any situation, being honest to ourselves, being our own “Master”, importance of time management, importance of being just and fair in life, simple acts of kindness, being patient with other and we must acknowledge and being grateful with what we have.
Sharing life experience of world’s Great Leader, Nelson Mandel, Mr. Ali told the trainees that a true diplomat is one who can make any decision even in difficult situations and on the spot. “When you are angry, you will not be able to make any decision and at the same time, you must have the ability to let go”, he said.
Mr. Ali encouraged the trainees to have discipline so that they can inspire and motivate themselves in any situation. “If you cannot change yourself then you cannot change the world. Act begins with self and time management,” he said.
During the reflective and optimistic activity, using the life experience of Nelson Mandel from the movie Invictus, with examples, the trainees were able to reflect on past learning. Also, considering the real-world implications, and how this activity can guide their future actions and activities.
The workshop concluded with a grounding session on how to connect quith one’s senses using the 5,4,3,2,1 method which involves the 5 senses (i.e., sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste), followed by a trust exercise to liberate and free us of our own bonds.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Suva
With Class, Dignity & Elegance –

Guest speaker: _Chargé d’affaires a.i. of Spain in Fiji Mr. Gaël Sánchez Cano_.
Chargé d’affaires ad interim of Spain in Fiji Mr. Gaël Sánchez Cano joined UNA Fiji on Saturday, 8 July 2023, elaborating on the nuances of Diplomacy and the importance of good representation as a Diplomat. Mr. Cano also reiterated the importance of law, saying, “Law is the foundation of International treaties on diplomatic relations”.
Highlighting the Vienna Convention of 1961 on Diplomatic Relations, Mr. Cano drew the trainees’ attention to the basis of diplomatic work and functions of a diplomatic mission i.e., representation, negotiation and promotion of States. “You cannot negotiate if you do not represent well or promote friendly relations," he said.
The BDTP trainees then worked in teams in an activity Mr. Cano described as a ‘mutual learning exchange’, whereby each team acted as a representative of Fiji meeting a representative of Spain for the first time with aims of building and/or solidifying a friendly relationship that leads to good diplomatic relations between the nations. This activity also aimed to teach the trainees the do’s and don’ts of first meetings, and how to apply introductory points during negotiations.
In the follow-up activity, the teams then worked on their negotiation skills using a nation’s strengths and weaknesses to arrive at a win-win situation in the favour of all involved. Each team acted as the Fiji delegation, pitching ideas to the Spanish delegation on topics ranging from climate change, sports, trade and economics, diversification and culture. Various approaches were made by the teams and feedback was given on the proposals that were brainstormed.
Finally, Mr. Cano spoke on the qualities of being a good diplomat, highlighting the need to be organized and having the ability to take notes and convey a message in an articulate manner. Above all, a good Diplomat should always have an expectation with a goal to be achieved in mind when forming good diplomatic ties.
The afternoon session was a reflective session conducted by the President of UNA Fiji Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali on the topic of Change Maker Leadership. Mr. Ali elaborated to the trainees on how leadership is all about beyond oneself, and change begins from oneself.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Suva
With Class, Dignity & Elegance –

The morning session was facilitated by the BDTP 2023 Co-ordinator Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram, where he discussed the topic #Climate #Change.
Mr. Ram told the trainees about United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). There are 17 SDGs of which SDGs 13, 14, and 15 are climate change and environment related where:
Goal 13: Climate Action - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact.
Goal 14: Life Below Water – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.
Goal 15: Life on Land – Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reserve land and degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Further, Mr. Ram discussed topics such as #Climate #Justice, climate change definitions, #Pitching, #Runit #Dome, Marshall Islands, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), #Nuclear #Blasts, #Carbon #Credits, #Carbon #Footprint and #Carbon #Tax.
In the afternoon session, trainees spent time with the BDTP co-ordinators and members of UNA Fiji in preparing a first draft of their upcoming Model UN summations (MUN).
Further, the trainees discussed the Community Impact Project (CIP).
This year UNA Fiji’s CIP is mangrove planting, coral planting, and fish nursery at the Korotogo coastline in Sigatoka.
With the CIP, UNA Fiji works in partnership with local communities and organizations to help promote and build awareness of the importance of Active Fijian Citizenship.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Suva.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-

The trainees had an enlightening session, as they were fortunate to be in the presence of His Excellency Hon. Dr. Brian Jones, who serves as the British High Commissioner to Fiji. Additionally, His Excellency Dr. Brian is also accredited as the non-resident High Commissioner to Kiribati and Tuvalu, as well as the non-resident British Ambassador to The Republic of Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia.
In his words of encouragement, His Excellency shared valuable lessons which he gathered from his life experience. His Excellency emphasised the skill of #Listening and #Understanding different people, "we need to understand people better and have a positive outcome or result."
Moreover, the key learnings included; never stop learning and taking the initiative to learn something new every day. His Excellency reiterated, never be afraid of academic literature. He also set a great example of a diplomat: " Diplomacy is also about small things like to carry your own water bottle that is reusable so that we reduce the use of plastic bottles."
Furthermore, His Excellency moved into an interactive question and answer session with the trainees where he shared his unique experiences of serving as a Diplomat in foreign countries, culture and language, international policy, consular services, trade and security.
The afternoon session was carried on by Hon. Mr. Salih Khan and Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram, where they deployed hints and tips on public speaking, pitching, tips on moderated and unmoderated caucuses, methods, and resolution paper development. To which the trainees presented a draft resolution paper in accordance with the United Nations standards of procedure.
Mr. Ram also conducted a dialogue of a Diplomatic session to experience a sitted United Nations committee.
The session ended with all the trainees in a group discussion to finalise logistics for their Community Impact Project (CIP).
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Suva.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-

On the topics Conflict Resolution and Negotiation, UNA Fiji’s Peacebuilding Advisor, Hon. Ms. Arieta Koila Costello discussed various topics including #Communication Skills, #Understanding, #Trust, the importance of minimizing reactive responses in conversation, #Mindfulness and understanding the Needs, Interests and Positions of all parties involved when negotiating and finding solutions to conflict.
Prior to this, trainees were given time to reflect on what they had learnt thus far in the Diplomacy Training Programme.
Ms. Costello told the trainees that Negotiation is present everywhere, but only a few will understand the skill to solve the situation and one should listen to each other’s needs to understand each other’s opinions to score a mutual goal. She further explained that trust is an important principle to adopt in a group or a community and encouraged trainees not to run away from their problems, but to deal with them. She also highlighted that one should be level-headed and calm when making decisions.
Moreover, Ms. Costello elaborated on the importance of having good communication skills, being a man of your word, and at the same time not having any expectations from anyone as people have their own opinions and change for the better.
Sharing her experience, Ms. Costello told the trainees about the importance of allowing yourself to learn from young people as they have their own perspectives and way of expressing themselves.
“You must listen to understand the other person’s needs and at the same time, be careful with your own biases. Be comfortable and confident with your journey with people. Be honest about your needs, and be authentic,” she said.
Ms. Costello continued to facilitate the session after lunch. This was a much more interactive period whereby the trainees were tasked to work in pairs or groups in roleplaying activities to work on their soft skills and ability to negotiate and find resolve in various types of situations where conflict may arise.
This programme is sponsored by U.S. Embassy.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-

For the first time, our Governance Advisor Hon. Ms. Lorraine Seeto facilitated the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP).
Ms. Seeto discussed the importance of Corporate Governance with the trainees. Corporate governance is a system of rules, practices, and processes that are used by a corporation to direct and control its actions.
She explained the trainees about the elements of Corporate Governance which includes #Leadership, #Effectiveness/capability, #Accountability/transparency, Relations with shareholders and #Sustainability. “No man is an island. We work with society locally, nationally, globally) therefore have a duty to act within their expectations and norms.”
Ms. Seeto further elaborated about the importance of corporate governance among the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector that has the potential to significantly boost productivity, growth, and job creation in Fiji.
Sharing her experience, Ms. Seeto explained the trainees about the effectiveness of corporate governance, key role players in a governance structure, recommended corporate governance norms, rationale and imperatives of good governance, good governance framework and good governance action plan.
Ms. Seeto concluded the session by explaining the work of South Pacific Business Development (SPBD) and how they support women entrepreneurs in Fiji and the Pacific.
The afternoon session was conducted by the BDTP Coordinator Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram where he discussed five elements of a country and they are #State, #Sovereignty, #Recognition, #Land and #Bounday and type of government systems.
Moreover, he further explained to the trainees how to conduct research and explained the importance of primary and secondary research.
The day’s session concluded with the trainees practicing on how to write an opening statement and position paper. This was done so that the trainees could present good papers during the MUN Summations.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy.
With Class, Dignity and Elegance -

Our Peacebuilding advisor, Hon. Ms. Arieta Koila Costello with her extensive expertise and facilitation skills, conducted her first session which revolved around the key topic of Peacebuilding with close relations to Negotiations and Diplomacy.
Madam Costello started off the session by shedding light on May which houses several remarkable events that hold great significance in the history of our nation and said that "Each of your voices matters in historical events."
The training then further moved into an interactive session wherein the trainees first engaged in a group discussion which required them to define the fundamental words of Peacebuilding - Conflict, Peace, Influence, Negotiations, Relationships, and Trust.
In the words of Hon. Ms. Arieta Koila Costello, she defined the word Peacebuilding as a larger or wider perspective and as a transformation from violent to constructive relations in the governance structure. She further defined it as the process of restoring normal relations between people which requires the reconciliation of differences, apology, and forgiveness of past harm and the establishment of a cooperative relationship between groups replacing the adversarial or competitive relationship that used to exist and that it has a long term process of advancing human rights, reconciling differences, normalizing relations and building institutions that manage conflicts without resort to violence or in simple terms it is "working on sensitive issues. Sticky issues".
Moreover, Ms. Costello further spoke extensively about the "Onion Model" wherein this model serves to analyze what different parties are saying about a particular conflict. She further stated that the model serves to move beyond the public position of each party and understand each party's interest and establish a common ground and that it is mostly used as part of a mediation or the negotiation process.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy.
With Class, Dignity and Elegance -

UNA Fiji’s BDTP 2023 Co-ordinator Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram explained the United Nations Standard of Procedure, outlining the guidelines and procedures followed during meetings and sessions of the United Nations. These rules govern the conduct of business, the order of proceedings and the decision-making process.
This session trainees learned the general Rules of Procedure of the United Nations. These refer to the various procedural actions that can be taken during a meeting or session to manage the flow of discussions, make decisions, or address specific issues.
Trainees extensively looked at various Points and Motions as they are fundamental tools in UN styled Diplomatic settings, allowing Members or Delegates to actively participate and engage in proceedings, shape decisions, and influence the outcomes of meetings or sessions. Most importantly, these tools help facilitate orderly and democratic discussions and ensure that the collective will of the committee is reflected in the final decisions taken. They contribute to a fair and transparent decision-making process, allowing participants to express their views and ensuring that discussions remain focused and in accordance with the established Rules of Procedure.
Lastly, an introduction to Resolution Papers within the General Assembly and the Security Council provided trainees with a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms through which Global issues are addressed, decisions are made, and collective action is taken within the United Nations.
This programme is sponsored by the @usembassysuva
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-

The Association welcomed a familiar face as its Guest Speaker for the day; Rotary Pacific Water for Life Foundation Executive Officer Mr. Neil Maharaj.
“The UNA Fiji motto: Class, Dignity and Elegance, not only inspires people to join the Basic Diplomacy Training, but also empowers speakers like us to speak with you”, were Mr. Maharaj’s words before engaging in a eye-opening session regarding the very harsh reality of the lack of safe water supply in many rural communities in Fiji.
He presented the scope of Rotary Pacific Water for Life Foundation, including its core vision to provide access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation by use of construction work, community involvement and cultivation of healthy wash practises in areas struck with water crisis’ around Fiji. He emphasised the links between safe water and good hygiene. stressing that “Safe water is a luxury in many places.”
Mr. Maharaj encouraged the BDTP trainees to visit the rural areas facing such water problems as a good first-hand experience for those more fortunate in the nation to practice greater Active Fijian Citizenship.
Rotary Pacific Water for Life Foundation works in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) — contributing majorly to #SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation.
Mr. Maharaj conducted a QnA session with the trainees and encouraged some peers to share their own knowledge and expertise on the matters raised as well.
Following this the BDTP trainees presented their proposals for UNA Fiji’s annual BDTP Community Impact Project (CIP) to Mr. Maharaj, who gave valuable tips on how to prepare and perfect their project proposals.
Team Magimagi
Team Magimagi aims to install solar lights for the community of St Gabriel in Sawarua Settlement Koronivia road, Rewa. Successful implementation of this initiative will benefit the generation of not only the present community, but also the generations to come.
The 5
Health facilities must have water, energy, sanitation, hand hygiene, and waste disposal facilities which are functional, reliable, and safe. The space needs to be designed, organized, and maintained to allow for privacy and facilitate the provision of quality services. Facilities also need to have adequate stocks of medicines, supplies, and equipment.
The group serenity is planning on constructing Hydroponic system in Bau landing, Nausori. Our vision and mission is to provide a climate resilient way of farming and harvesting without the risk of having the crops damaged by pests and tropical climate issues such as flooding. This provides commercial benefit to the community and also communal use.
Hi Five
With the increase in climate change impacts in coastal areas, the Community Impact project targets the coastlines of Korotogo. The group HIFIVE proposes the following activities:
● Mangrove Planting
● Coral Planting
● Build Fish Nurseries
Mangrove Corals and Fish resources are many of the key resources that are depended on by rural coastal villages.
Oceans Lima
The group Ocean’s Lima has decided to with the cleanup campaign from the mouth of Rewa River to Suva Harbor due to the recent drastic waste which is being dispersed into the marine ecosystems through streams and drains. Not only humans but the marine dependent organisms are also endangered. This community project shall not only aim to sustain and lower the amount of rubbish being dumped by industries and litter by the very residents of the Central Division but also raise awareness on ways all civilians can help.
The day concluded with the BDTP trainees progressing through the d’MUN Handbook onto learning Motions and how to use them during a Conference. The content discussed will be useful for their own upcoming MUN Conference at the end of the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-

A history was made at the United Nations Association of Fiji’s (UNA Fiji) BDTP 2023 class number 7 yesterday, when five top diplomats of the U.S. Embassy based in Suva, Fiji serving, all the five countries Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Nauru, and Tuvalu facilitated a whole day of training for the association.
The President of UNA Fiji Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali said it was historical because never has he ever come across a training that was run by five top diplomats of a particular embassy.
He was further grateful that this year’s training has been supported and funded by the U.S. Embassy and the U.S. Government.
Mr. Ali stated that this partnership is one which is genuine and brings out the spirit of friendship and partnership that the American people have through the Government of America for the people of Fiji.
The session began with, Her Excellency Ms. Marie C. Damour the Ambassador to Fiji, inspired our trainees with her emaculate speech about her 30-year career in #Diplomacy. In her speech, she elaborated on the key skills and abilities of a good diplomat and maintaining positive relationships between nations. The importance of having integrity, intellectual curiosity, being an active listener, a team player, and having high proficiency in written and spoken language was also addressed.
Her Excellency spoke of Diplomacy as a profession and gave an overview of how the U.S. selects its Diplomats. She shared a bit on how she started in the profession as the youngest and only woman in a room full of experienced men and mentioned that it was a rather intimidating situation at the time. However, she follows by saying that during the selection process, “skills and abilities are looked for, not experience”. As every individual has a different story and perspective to share, the ability to decipher truth from bias while also valuing the word of people and preserving their ability to choose is crucial in the field.
Her Excellency also highlighted that there is no programme individuals need to take to become a Diplomat and even called it “the last apprenticeship white-collar profession”, as it is a profession that requires one to watch and learn from their peers more than anything, as constant learning is vital to understand Diplomacy.
She ended by going into greater detail on the relationship between the US and the Pacific, The United States of America wants to create a resilient, healthy, sovereign, and prosperous Pacific.
The second guest of honour was Regional Environmental Officer Mr. Richard Fitzmaurice.
Mr. Fitzmaurice had an interactive session with the trainees where he gave the platform to the trainees to voice the concerns they have in their respective communities and the nation as a whole. Topics raised include, climate change, sea-level rise, fishing practises, public health, the conservation of endangered species and elimination of invasive species.
Mr. Fitzmaurice also praised the #Regionalism shown in the Pacific region, going as far as calling it “impressive” in the eyes of the US Government. Furthermore, he elaborated on that U.S. government's major focuses in the Pacific, such as health security, climate and ocean related issues, political economics, renewable energy advocacy, and women pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects.
Défense Attaché Mr. Victor Lange, Senior Defense Official, was the third guest speaker for the day.
He explained that Diplomacy is the art of listening and understanding people and partnerships. Problem solving is looked at in many different ways, especially in a very contextualised manner where it is an expanding skill set and tool that is used to assert the national power such as Diplomacy, Information, the Military and Economics.
Mr. Victor also mentioned that listening to understand diplomatic partners is important as we can convery what we want in terms of Policies and other procedures.
First Secretary Bradly Roberson, Consular Chief, was the fourth guest speaker for the day.
He explained to the trainees that every country has its own rules and regulations to handle any matters. Therefore, as a diplomat, it is important to have knowledge of local issues and understand their culture and their lifestyle.
Mr. Roberson further explained that as a diplomat, you are there to serve and represent your government, and it is important to build better connections with the locals. Learn more from local people such as taxi drivers and local street people. The main purpose is to get to know and understand them. By understanding the locals, solving any problem will be easy.
The final guest speaker for the day was Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Antone Greubel. Mr. Greubel's discussion mainly focused on the Pacific region. He stressed to the trainees that the Pacific region is starting to evolve around things as it gets advanced with globalization compared to 80 years ago.
Mr. Greubel further explained to the trainees that no one is perfect, there is a line of ups and downs, and being a diplomat means being present on roots to help everyone in every way possible. He highlighted to trainees that if we can save the Pacific from the impacts of climate change, then we can save the world.
The BDTP 2023 trainees were truly empowered and motivated by the five diplomats on their journey in the field of diplomacy.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-

The morning session began with a quick round of reflection from the trainees, where the trainees had to explain what they have learnt thus far in the training programme.
The Vice-President of the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) Hon. Mr. Shivneet Kumar elaborated on the importance of note-taking. Following this, Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram continued from the previous week’s content, with the primary focus of this Saturday being the Security Council, its history, seating arrangements, Protocol and Procedures. Hon. Mr. Ram then gave an overview of Model United Nations (#MUN) to the trainees, which should prove useful as they progress in the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP).
The Guest of Honour for the afternoon session was the President of the Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS) Hon. Mr. Sepesa Rasili.
Hon. Mr. Rasili outlined the objectives and duties of #FCOSS while sharing his own experiences and speaking on different topics with the trainees. He reminded them about World Earth Day, the impacts of Climate Change on individuals in our nation, and he encouraged the trainees to take responsibility in saving our earth.
Hon. Mr. Rasili also encouraged the trainees to know themselves better to succeed in their lives, as well as to appreciate their background and traditions.
“Most of the time, people forget or don’t acknowledge where they come from. Knowing who we are and where we come from is very important.”
Moreover, Hon. Mr. Rasili explained to the trainees the importance of verifying information and standing by it, while also making sure that any information collected is from the correct sources.
He also advised the trainees to identify their talents and where they want to go in their lives.
BDTP #6 concluded with the trainees continuing through the d’MUN Handbook with Hon. Mr. Ram, whereby he elaborated on the different types of Points used during a typical UN Conference.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S Embassy Suva.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-

The morning session began with the Founder and President of UNA Fiji Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali explaining about the importance of #Presentation. Where he told the trainees that paying attention to details is a good quality of a good leader.
He further explained to the trainees the importance of Value, where he encouraged trainees to value themselves and be trendsetters. "A trendsetter is the one who can transform him/herself and is aware of what's happening in their environment."
Mr. Ali further provided information to the trainees on the Community Impact Projects (CIP) UNA Fiji has done over the years.
UNA Fiji works in partnership with local communities and organizations to help promote and build awareness of the importance of Active Fijian Citizenship.
During the afternoon session, Mr. Ali stressed the importance of #Teamwork.
In addition, UNA Fiji’s Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) 2023 Co-ordinator Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram provided an overview of the United Nations (UN) to the trainees.
He provided information on the General Assembly, roles of the President and Vice-President, early days of the General Assembly, Debate, Resolution and discussion.
Mr. Ram further elaborated on different Committees under the UN and the scope and organization work of these different Committees. Appointment of the Secretary-General, Election of Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) members, the election of the International Court of Justice and Election of Human Rights Council members was also elaborated on.
Moreover, Mr. Ram further explained about UN bodies, which include the UN World Health Organisations (WHO), UN-Habitat, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), UN World Tourism Organization, UN Environmental Programme (UNEP), the Human Rights Council (HRC), UN Women, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Security Council.
This programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Suva
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-

In today's class, we were glad to host Ms. Emeline Siale Ilolahia, Executive Director of Pacific Island's Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (PIANGO), who enlightened the trainees about "Adaptive Leadership".
Adaptive leadership is a practical approach to solving issues, guiding leaders in identifying and focusing on the important aspects of the operation and discarding what it can do without.
Ms. Ilolahia explained to the trainees that leadership isn't about being a prime minister or any minister. "Leadership is about yourself and different positions you are in to make decisions in different situations you hold at your home, school and workplaces."
Ms. Ilolahia told the trainees as an adaptive leadership, they must voice out to bring the change in their lives or the environment they are associated with.
She further informed the trainees, "Nobody can change you. Only you can change yourself."
Moreover, with examples and activities, Ms. Ilolahia explained trainees about the technical challenges and adaptive challenges.
Later, the BDTP was facilitated by the President of UNA Fiji Hon. Akmal Ali, where here he reflected on what was taught by Ms. Ilolahia.
In addition, Mr. Ali told the trainees, "We can not lead people if we can not understand ourselves."
Mr. Ali also discussed the importance of communication to trainees, where he told them that communication is the first key to leadership and communication is a two-way process. A good leader is one who listens to understand.
During the afternoon session, Mr. Ali discussed fear with the trainees. He encouraged the trainees to face what they fear the most as leadership about "Not being fear."
Mr. Ali further discussed "Wayfinding Leadership" to navigate as a leader and the characteristics of a good leadership which includes motivation, inclusive, humour, confidence, relationship, approachable, organised, open, knowledge, purpose, communication, goals, leaners, trust, prepared, visionary, leader and inspire.
The programme is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Suva.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-

His Excellency Mr. Ali'ioaiga F. Elisaia, the Samoan High Commissioner to Fiji, was the guest of honour during today's training session where he enlightened the trainees about Samoa and about the importance of negotiation and partnership.
H.E. Mr. Elisaia explained to the trainees that Samoa's culture enchants the Pacific region since it revolves around churches, family, village, and community. The enchanting seas that had been Samoa's soul were reflected in the culture and traditions as the value of life.
Furthermore, H.E. Mr. Elisaia elaborated to the trainees that history of Samoa depicted great struggle and pain where people gave lives and lives were taken on force, but their humbleness and kind hearts overcome such period.
H.E. Mr. Elisaia voiced the trainees that “Charity starts at home” where he explained to the trainees that if they are not able to fix things at their homes, they will not be able to fix things outside their home.
In addition, H.E. Mr. Elisaia expressed to the trainees that “Practise diplomacy where you go” where he clarified that not everyone will become diplomat who would represent their country at the UN Conferences or in another country but they can practise diplomacy at their homes, school, workplace or the groups they are associated with.
Moreover, H.E. Mr. Elisaia explained the importance of negotiation and partnership where, he specified to the trainees negotiate to be heard and partnership can build better relationship.
The conversation with his H.E. was in a Talanoa mode where he told his story with real life experiences such as bringing the 3rd International Conference on Small Island Developing States held in Samoa in 2014. The theme of the Conference was "The Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States Through Genuine and Durable Partnerships.".
The trainees were truly empowered and motivated by H. E. Journey in the field of diplomacy.
During the afternoon session, the President of UNA Fiji Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali discussed about the importance of “Cultural Diplomacy” where he encouraged trainees that it is important for them to know about our own culture and customs.
He further explained the trainees about the importance of discipline, leadership, communication, reliability, being consistence and never to underestimate yourself. He encouraged the trainees to know the purpose of their life and be responsible and one must acknowledge their weakness.
The programme is sponsored by U.S. Embassy Suva.
With Class, Dignity and Elegance-

The class was "All About You" where trainees were taught to understand themselves better.
The day was facilitated by the Founder and President of the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali where he told the trainees in order to become a Good Leader, one must understand about what's pulling us back and we must work on these flaws.
The morning session began with the discussion with effectiveness of good #Negotiation and how much patience and effort is required to come to the middle ground such as energy exhausted by the Diplomats in the Paris Agreement.
Mr. Ali told the trainees that #Diplomacy is all about paying attention to small details. In Diplomacy people will have different opinions and as a Diplomat, we must appreciate that everyone thinks differently. "A Diplomat is always open to learning, unlearning and relearning".
Moreover, Mr. Ali explained about the good qualities of a Good Leader. He told the trainees that a good “Leader is the one who hears others, a good Leader is one who is being heard and a good Leader must be fair and just.
In the afternoon session, the trainees participated in the self reflection activities where they spoke about their challenges and how they can overcome their challenges. The trainees were also taught about the importance of #self-love.
Mr. Ali further stated to the trainees that "Our negative qualities are our masters and we are slave to these qualities". Furthermore, he added through practice, we can overcome these challenges.
In addition, Mr. Ali told the trainees that we grow negative qualities because of lack of self-love.
Through an activity, the Hon. President demonstrated to the trainees the idea of self-love and your love tank being full and over pouring so that you maybe able to extend your love to someone else.
Mr. Ali further elaborated that a good leader is one who makes tough choices and decisions. Leadership isn't about pleasing people, it's about walking the talk.
The programme is sponsored by U.S. Embassy Suva.
With Class, Dignity and Elegance-

The Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) 2023 Day One officially commenced today. The first session led by Hon. Mr. Ram and Hon. Mr. Kumar marked the start of the training programme discussing on #Protocol and the attributes of practising #Diplomacy.
A person's daily life, regardless of their career is shaped by Diplomacy, which is more than merely maintaining relationships between the governments of other nations.
Trainees were introduced to appropriate Diplomatic Etiquette that they are expected to adhere to at all times. Some of the things discussed were on how to address a Delegate or an Ambassador, dressing in formal functions and proper addressing in formal speeches as well as proper dining etiquette.
The second session was led by Hon. Mr. Khan and Hon. Mr. Valraj on the principles of Protocol. Each trainee had 30 seconds to define Protocol in their own words which enabled them to understand at the very basic level. Protocol does not have specific definition because it is part of every institution as an established set of norms or standards.
Mr. Khan emphasised that following proper protocol is a key component of diplomatic etiquette. A set of regulations that are formally, socially, and culturally expected and accepted by the people involved must be planned and followed during official and informal occasions, visits, meetings, and functions.
The significance of understanding Fijian culture and customs was another aspect of the day's conclusion. Therefore, understanding the customs and traditions of your own nation is crucial as learning about other countries.
The programme is sponsored by US Embassy.
With Class, Dignity and Elegance -

UNA Fiji Welcomes Trainees to U.S. Funded BDTP 2023
The United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) in partnership with the U.S. Embassy Suva welcomed 45 new Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) trainees. The Orientation Ceremony to welcome these trainees was held today at Dudley High School in Suva, Fiji.
The Chief Guest at the event was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Republic of Fiji, Hon. Mr. Villiame Gavoka. The Guests of Honour were The U.S. Ambassador to Fiji, Her Excellency Hon. Ms. Marie Damour and Samoan High Commissioner to Fiji, His Excellency Hon. Mr. Ali'ioaiga F. Elisaia.
The Founder and President of UNA Fiji Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali thanked the U.S. Embassy for sponsoring this year's BDTP.
On 02 November 2022, UNA Fiji received US$14,000 through the U.S. Embassy's Public Diplomacy Small Grants. The money will be used to conduct BDTP 2023 which will help participants develop their research, writing, and public speaking skills, while also engaging them in service projects to help those in need.
Hon. Mr. Villiame Gavoka told the trainees that "Diplomacy is an art and the diplomat is the artist". Mr. Gavoka added that he wished that such a programme had been offered to him when he was young.
He further told the trainees that diplomacy is more than international affairs and it is about listening, understanding, and acting with tact. Hon. Mr. Gavoka conveyed to the trainees that BDTP is a great opportunity for them and the youth of Fiji.
The U.S. Ambassador to Fiji Her Excellency Hon. Ms. Marie Damour said that the U.S. Embassy is proud to support UNA Fiji’s vision of promoting leadership through the art of diplomacy. In her speech, Ms. Damour told the trainees that the U.S. Embassy shares the same value as UNA Fiji in fostering education, demonstrating commitment, and celebrating diversity.
Ambassador Ms. Damour encouraged trainees to develop networks and learn as much as they could through peer mentoring.
Samoan High Commissioner to Fiji, His Excellency Hon. Mr. Ali'ioaiga F. Elisaia told the trainees that everything in life has a starting point which becomes a point of reference. He also stressed that diplomacy is omnipresent in all aspects of life and to think global and act local.
Governance Advisor of UNA Fiji, Ms. Lorraine Seeto, and Mr. Ali were glad to welcome the new, successful applicants of the BDTP.
Speaker from BDTP 2022 who is also a member of UNA Fiji Hon. Ms. Ilisapeci Diili who provided the information from a trainee’s insight and motivated them to continue working hard. "It was one of the greatest challenges for me and my fellow colleagues last year, yet a worthy chance to achieve in learning the art of diplomacy initiated by this wonderful organization". She told the trainees the passion and love that developed in their hearts has taught them the importance of teamwork, dedication, and hard work. Mr. Diili looks forward to learning more on how she can become a change maker, the voice of her community, and her nation, but this diplomacy training has taught her more than that.
The UNA Fiji would like to thank our advisors Hon. Mr. Vikrant Chandra (Legal Advisor), Hon. Ms. Lorraine Seeto (Governance Advisor), Hon. Ms. Arieta Koila Costello (Peace Building Advisor), Hon. Mr. Rizwan Hussain (Financial Advisor), Hon. Ms. Rebecca Irby (Special Advisor and Representative/Delegate), Hon. Ms. Natalia Sagrario (Strategic Advisor) and Hon. Mr. Ronald Rishay Dip (Independent Audit Advisor) for their continuous support towards the growth and development of the organisation.
The UNA Fiji would also like to thank our Auditor Hon. Mr. Mohammed Moshin Khan for his continuous support towards the organisation.
After the orientation programme, the trainees had their first BDTP class where they were familiarized with the background of UNA Fiji, its rules and regulations and protocol.
On behalf of UNA Fiji, we would like to thank everyone present for making the orientation ceremony a success.
We once again thank our partners, Dudley High School, Reverse The Trend, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation , Fiji Council Of Social Services, The Fiji National Volunteer Steering Committee (FNVSC) Pacific Islands Climate Action Network - PICAN PEAC Institute Peace Education & Art Communication, Sai Prema Foundation Fiji, and Pidf Secretariat The Pacific Islands Development Forum for standing by us to help more Fijians through various initiatives.
With Class, Dignity, and Elegance –