Basic Diplomacy Training Programme 2024 Orientation Ceremony

Against the urgent backdrop of climate change's existential threat, the 4th Orientation of the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) for 2024 launched on Saturday, 24 February 2024 at Board Room 43, Dudley High School, Toorak, Suva, Fiji, with a laser focus on "Leadership Through The Art of Diplomacy - Navigating Climate Change for a Resilient Fiji." Organized by the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji), the BDTP stands as one of the association's major programmes, designed to equip participants with the necessary skills to address pressing global challenges.

The 22 trainees after a rigid screening process, gathered at Board Room 43, Dudley High School, Toorak, Suva City, Republic of Fiji, and explored into an intensive day of learning, poised to confront the challenges posed by climate change head-on.

The event commenced with a stirring welcome by Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali, President and Founder of UNA Fiji, emphasizing the critical role of diplomacy in Fiji's climate resilience efforts. Notably, Fiji's alliance with Germany during COP 23 was spotlighted, underlining the nation's proactive stance on climate action. UNA Fiji's recent initiatives, including the planting of 16,676 mangroves, underscored Fiji's commitment to tangible environmental solutions. Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali also declared that this year UNA Fiji will be planting 15000 more mangroves as part of its continued climate combat and initiative.

The morning session reached its apex with an enlightening address by H.E. Dr. Andreas, the German Ambassador to Fiji, who portrayed diplomacy as both an art form and a crucial instrument for mitigating global conflicts, particularly those exacerbated by climate change. Ms. Vasiti Soko, Director of the Fiji NDMO (National Disaster Management Office), provided a poignant local perspective, emphasizing the unique challenges faced by Pacific Island Nations due to climate change. She encouraged the trainees to see the training through as doing a training in the past was a luxury.

The ceremony also saw the launch of UNA Fiji's 10th Anniversary Commemoration with the cutting of a cake with the theme: "UNA Fiji: A Decade of Learning, a Lifetime of Commitment". This theme emphasizes the organization's ongoing commitment to learning and contributing to positive change. As 473 individuals have completed its various Diplomacy Programmes.

The 10th Anniversay will fall on 14 October 2024.

Ms. Lorraine Seeto, the governance advisor of UNA Fiji, encapsulated the spirit of the day in her vote of thanks, acknowledging the formidable journey ahead while expressing optimism for the trainees' commitment to the cause of climate resilience.

As the day progressed into the afternoon session, held at Room 11-06, the trainees delved deeper into the theme, exploring various facets of diplomacy tailored to climate resilience. Notably, they engaged with the Learning Styles Questionnaire, uncovering personalized approaches to absorb and apply critical knowledge in their diplomatic endeavours.

Armed with newfound insights and a collective commitment to the theme of climate-resilient diplomacy, the 22 trainees emerge from the BDTP 2024 primed to navigate Fiji's diplomatic landscape with purpose and resilience.

The event, held on February 24, 2024, serves as a cornerstone in Fiji's diplomatic efforts to combat climate change and build a sustainable future and this effort will continue for 22 more classes for the BDTP 2024 trainees.

With Class Dignity and Elegance,

Team UNA Fiji






In a world increasingly imperilled by the spectre of climate change, the necessity for diplomatic leadership in forging resilient futures has never been more apparent. The 1st class of the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) for 2024, held on Saturday, 2 March 2024 at Dudley High School in Toorak, Suva, Fiji, held a pivotal moment in the organization's journey towards the world of Diplomacy. Hosted by the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji).

Under the primary theme of "Leadership Through the Art of Diplomacy - Navigating Climate Change for a Resilient Fiji," the BDTP 2024 seeks to equip diplomatic leaders with the tools necessary to navigate Fiji's diplomatic landscape amidst the existential threat of climate change.

The day began with the presence of UNA Fiji’s first Chief Guest His Excellency, Mr. Dupito Simamora, Ambassador of Indonesia to Fiji (@indonesia Indonesian Embassy Suva - Fiji ). Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali, President and Founder of UNA Fiji, while introducing the Chief guest underscored the indispensable role of diplomacy in Fiji's climate resilience efforts. As Fiji stands at the frontline of climate impacts, from rising sea levels to extreme weather events, the imperative for diplomatic leadership in navigating these challenges becomes ever more pressing.

His Excellency, Mr. Dupito shed lights on the exemplary efforts of Indonesia in mitigating climate change which served as a guiding light for international collaboration. Indonesia's National Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (RAN-GRK) outlines strategies to achieve emission reduction targets, reflecting a steadfast commitment to climate action. Key among these strategies is the transition towards renewable energy sources, a path that aligns with Fiji's aspirations for climate resilience.

His Excellency, during his session also highlighted in Indonesia makes products of bamboo and stated that Fiji is capable of doing the same as in Fiji we are only growing it and that’s it. His Excellency also shared with the trainees potential areas of local economic growth such as coffee planting.

Indonesia's dedication to forest conservation and restoration, particularly through initiatives like the Mangroves for Coastal Resilience Project, underscores the potential for international cooperation in climate adaptation. By promoting community-based forest management and social forestry programs, Indonesia ensures sustainable livelihoods while preserving vital forest cover.

As the BDTP 2024 unfolds, trainees delve into the intricate knowledge of diplomacy and climate resilience, armed with insights from Indonesia's steadfast climate action. With unwavering dedication, they emerge poised to navigate Fiji's diplomatic landscape with purpose and resilience, embodying the ethos of climate-resilient diplomacy.

Ms. Elizabeth Osborne during her vote of thanks stated that Indonesia and Fiji both face climate related issues and thanked Indonesia for their efforts in mitigating the effects of Climate change.

In the afternoon session, trainees, delved deeper into the standard diplomatic etiquettes such as formal dining and Protocol which included formal methods of greeting and addressing and proper salutations.

As Fiji and nations worldwide grapple with the exigencies of climate change, the BDTP 2024 stands as a testament to the power of diplomacy in shaping a sustainable future. Through collaboration, commitment, and collective action, navigating towards a resilient and climate-ready future for Fiji and beyond.

With Class Dignity and Elegance,

Team UNA Fiji





In a world grappling with the impacts of climate change, initiatives that foster resilience and sustainability have become paramount. Against this backdrop, the recent Community Impact Project (CIP) session held by a group of dedicated trainees of BDTP 2023 emerged as a beacon of hope and action. Under the theme of "Leadership Through The Art of Diplomacy - Navigating Climate Change for a Resilient Fiji," this year, trainees embarked on a comprehensive plan aimed at addressing climate change and its local complications.

In this session facilitated by the Chief Facilitator, Mr. Akmal Ali, and Peer Facilitator Mr. Shivnesh Ram, trainees delved deeper into the Community Impact Project, the purpose of such a project, previous projects undertaken by the Association, and what is expected of the trainees this year.

During the session, trainees engaged in rigorous discussions and unanimously agreed to revisit Korotogo Sigatoka, a coastal region in Fiji, to reinforce efforts in mangrove restoration. Last year, the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) planted 6,676 mangroves in this area. Building upon this foundation, the trainees resolved to plant an additional 15,000 mangroves, recognizing the vital role mangrove ecosystems play in coastal resilience, acting as major carbon sinks, and biodiversity preservation.

Mangroves are well-known for their ability to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Their dense root systems stabilize coastal areas, protecting against erosion and storm surges. Furthermore, mangroves act as carbon sinks, absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thereby helping to mitigate global warming. By choosing a climate-centered project focused on mangrove restoration, the trainees demonstrate a commitment to addressing the root causes of climate change while simultaneously fortifying vulnerable coastal communities against its effects.

In addition to the mangrove planting initiative, the trainees decided to extend their reach by organizing a workshop for the youth of Nadroga Navosa. This workshop aims to empower young people with knowledge and skills to become stewards in emerging issues in their communities. By nurturing the next generation of leaders, the trainees hope to create a ripple effect of positive change that transcends geographical boundaries.

Recognizing the financial implications of their ambitious undertaking, the trainees took proactive measures by establishing a fundraising committee. This committee will spearhead efforts to secure the necessary funds to complete the mangrove planting project and support the workshop for youth empowerment. Through collaborative fundraising initiatives, the trainees aim to harness the collective power of the community to achieve their shared goals.

The choice of a climate-centered project underscores the urgent need to address the existential threat posed by climate change. As Fiji, like many other Pacific Island nations, grapples with rising sea levels, increasingly severe storms, and other climate-related challenges, the importance of proactive and community-driven initiatives cannot be overstated. By focusing on mangrove restoration and youth empowerment, the trainees demonstrate an all-inclusive approach to climate action that integrates environmental conservation, community resilience, and leadership development.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance





In a transformative session titled "All About You," trainees gathered under the guidance of Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali, President and Founder of the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji), for a day dedicated to self-discovery and leadership enhancement.

Mr. Ali, emphasized the crucial connection between understanding oneself and effective leadership. He asserted that to lead effectively, individuals must first recognize and address their limitations stressing the significance of diplomacy in addressing climate change, highlighting the need to pay attention to detail and appreciating diverse perspectives.

Furthermore, Mr. Ali outlined the qualities of a good leader, emphasizing active listening, fairness, and the courage to make tough decisions. He reiterated that leadership entails more than just pleasing people; it necessitates integrity and action.

In the context of Fiji's vulnerability to climate change, Mr. Ali seamlessly intertwined the theme of Leadership Through the Art of Diplomacy- Navigating Climate Change for a Resilient Fiji. He underscored the importance of navigating climate change through resilient leadership, emphasizing the need for innovative solutions and global cooperation in addressing Climate Change.

Mr. Ali, also highlighted that we as individuals must have enough for ourselves before we are able to share it with others. When one does not have enough for their own self how can we expect them to share it with others.

The afternoon session delved into self-reflection activities, where trainees candidly discussed their challenges and explored strategies for overcoming them. It was here that the trainees confronted negativity head-on. Mr. Ali encouraged them to ignore the negative opinions of others and instead embrace the truth they know about themselves. He stressed the importance of acknowledging one's flaws and having the strength to admit them, fostering a culture of forgiveness and love. He emphasized that self-improvement requires practice and dedication.

This holistic approach to leadership is essential for navigating the challenges of climate change and building a resilient Fiji for generations to come.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance





In response to missed sessions by trainees of the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme 2024, UNA Fiji organized a makeup class. The sessions focused on equipping trainees with essential diplomatic skills, fostering climate resilience, and nurturing effective leadership amidst climate change challenges.

The makeup class began with an intensive exploration of the Community Impact Project, addressing climate change's existential threat to Fiji and beyond. Trainees discussed the recent CIP session's significance, emphasizing initiatives promoting resilience and sustainability, especially in addressing local climate implications all to the achieve the goal of Active Fijian Citizenship.

Under the theme "Leadership Through The Art of Diplomacy - Navigating Climate Change for a Resilient Fiji," trainees committed to planting 15,000 mangroves in Korotogo Sigatoka, recognizing their crucial role in coastal resilience and carbon sequestration. They also pledged to organize a youth empowerment workshop in Nadroga Navosa.

Additionally, trainees received training in diplomatic etiquettes, including formal dining, protocol, and greetings.

The class delved deeper into the session called “All About You” a connection between self-discovery and effective leadership, guided by Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali. Discussions revolved around qualities of good leadership, the importance of integrity, active listening, and making tough decisions.

Mr. Ali stressed the significance of resilient leadership in addressing Fiji's vulnerability to climate change, advocating for innovative solutions and global cooperation. He also highlighted the importance of self-care, emphasizing the need for individuals to prioritize their well-being before supporting others.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance





In this week's morning session (Class 4) of the BDTP 2024, our guest of honour, Mr. Vikrant Chandra, enlightened the trainees on the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji, emphasizing its role as the supreme law of the nation. He highlighted the rights that Fijians have as citizens and urged everyone to become active citizens, contributing to a better and more resilient Fiji.

A key takeaway from Mr. Chandra's session was the importance of questioning "why." Understanding the objective behind laws and their role in creating a vision for the country is crucial. He emphasized that Fiji should be a reflection of its constitution, and as citizens, we all play a role in shaping this reflection.

Hon. Mr. Chandra also shared valuable insights on traits essential for success:

1. Discipline

2. Consistency

3. Delegation

4. Trust in the process

5. Investment in human resources

He highlighted that money is a by-product of these traits and that setting personal goals at the right time is key. Mr. Chandra emphasized the importance of hard work and giving back to others, as what you give returns to you.

Furthermore, in the afternoon session, Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram talked on Diplomacy, as well as its subsets including Public Diplomacy, Private Diplomacy and Citizen Diplomacy. Different articles that support these subsets of diplomacy were looked into as well as the various strategies to implement them. Mr. Ram facilitated group discussions between the trainees in order to provoke their thoughts and get them to think critically about the topics discussed. The importance and implications of these diplomacy subsets were further elaborated upon.

Morever, the various types of flags of Fiji were also discussed along with their significance. The flags included the diplomatic flag, the naval flag, the civil flag and the aviation flag. Finishing off, as a diplomat, one needs to be up to date with digital media.

The BDTP 2024 continues to inspire and empower future leaders, shaping them into active global citizens.

With Class Dignity & Elegance





Morning Session:

The morning session of BDTP 2024 Training #5 began with a powerful video showcasing a 9-year-old boy's dedication to serving the elderly. This heartwarming story inspired trainees to reflect on the lessons learned, emphasizing the importance of serving others with a selfless heart. Trainees learned valuable lessons, including the significance of listening to understand, not just to respond, and the power of their own stories in shaping their lives.

Trainees engaged in an exercise focusing on active listening, highlighting the importance of being fully present in conversations. They were reminded that true leadership begins with listening to be actually heard. The session also touched on personal responsibility, emphasizing the need to take ownership of one's actions and attitudes.

President's Challenge:

A challenge was issued by the President, encouraging trainees to forgo grog drinking and clubbing on Friday nights. Instead, they were urged to come together and grow as a unified group. This directive aimed to foster unity and responsibility among trainees.

Afternoon Session:

In the afternoon session, the focus shifted to the theme of commitment. Trainees were reminded of John C. Maxwell's words, "Ordinary people with commitment can make an extraordinary impact on their world." They were encouraged to commit to excellence in all aspects of their lives, with a strong emphasis on self-discipline and growth mindset.

Key Takeaways:

- Champions are not half-hearted; they commit fully to their goals.

- Self-responsibility and growth mindset are essential for personal and professional development.

- Good leaders prioritize people and avoid the blame game.

- Reflective practices, such as the 5-second rule and nightly reflections, contribute to personal growth and success.

Closing Reflection:

As the day concluded, trainees were encouraged to reflect on their day, focusing on what made it great and how they can make tomorrow even better. They were reminded that true friendship is based on respect and understanding.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance




BASIC DIPLOMACY TRAINING PROGRAMME (BDTP) 2024 TRAINING #6 SATURDAY, 20 APRIL 2024. “Good Governance & Climate and Eco Financing”

In the morning session, under the expert guidance of UNA Fiji’s esteemed Governance Advisor, Honorable Ms. Lorraine Seeto , trainees embarked on an enlightening exploration of the complex landscape shaping modern businesses, environmental sustainability, and the complexities of global diplomacy.

Ms. Seeto's engaging discourse shed light on the indispensable essence of corporate governance, explaining its crucial role as a guiding framework for ethical and effective company conduct. With a keen focus on explaining its core components, such as leadership, accountability, and stakeholder relationships, Ms. Seeto underscored how these elements form the base of sound governance practices, ensuring businesses operate with integrity and responsibility.

Furthermore, Ms. Seeto emphasized the transformative impact of effective governance in fostering a culture of responsible business behavior. By aligning organizational objectives with strategic plans and robust performance management systems, she clarified how governance mechanisms not only strengthen transparency but also enhance stakeholder confidence.

This alignment catalyzes sustainable growth, creates trust among investors, empowers employees, and nurtures enduring relationships with customers. Through Ms. Seeto's insightful session, trainees gained invaluable insights into the vital role of corporate governance in steering businesses toward success in an ever-evolving global landscape.

In the afternoon session, UNA Fiji for the first time, welcomed a distinguished guest, Ms. Setaita Tamanikaiyaroi, the Manager of Climate and Eco Finance at Fiji Development Bank (FDB). With a wealth of experience in tackling climate-related challenges, Ms. Setaita offered a compelling overview of FDB's proactive approach to addressing the pressing issue of climate risks.

Throughout her presentation, she highlighted the profound consequences of long-term warming, extreme weather events, and the escalating threat of rising sea levels, particularly for Fiji's vulnerable agricultural sectors.

Ms. Setaita's session provided attendees with invaluable insights into practical strategies for climate risk management. She emphasized the critical importance of integrating climate data into decision-making processes to enhance resilience and adaptability.

Furthermore, Ms. Setaita underscored the necessity of fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors to effectively implement mitigation measures and build sustainable pathways for economic development amidst a changing climate.

Her expertise shed light on actionable steps that organizations can take to mitigate climate risks and contribute to the collective effort in safeguarding Fiji's environmental and economic well-being.

Mr. Ram concluded the day with a session on Diplomacy 101, offering an introductory understanding of the United Nations structure, functions, and the principle of sovereignty.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance





In a dynamic and enriching educational session, the morning began with a comprehensive recapitulation of previous lessons, fostering an environment where trainees could probe deeper into their understanding through questions and answers. Mr. Ram's adept facilitation paved the way for an insightful exploration of the intricacies of diplomacy, particularly focusing on Diplomacy 101 and the workings of the General Assembly.

Mr. Ram elaborated on the composition of various committees within the General Assembly, shedding light on the pivotal roles played by different countries and superpowers, especially those holding Veto powers. This nuanced understanding gave trainees a solid foundation to navigate the complexities of international relations and diplomatic negotiations.

The learning momentum continued into the afternoon session, which centered around the Community Impact Project (CIP) on Navigating Climate Change for a resilient Fiji. Led by Ms. Arci and Mrs. Tukana, supported by dedicated volunteers, trainees immersed themselves in formulating a plan to initiate and organize various aspects of CIP. The collective effort yielded a well-structured presentation aimed at kickstarting initiatives crucial for community development.

The culmination of the day's efforts came with the presentation of the proposed plan to the Honourable President. the trainees' dedication and commitment to making a positive impact on society were recognized and celebrated. The President's satisfaction underscored the importance of such initiatives in nurturing future leaders who are not only well-versed in diplomacy but also deeply committed to serving their communities.

As the trainees continue on their journey of learning and growth, their experience serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for others, demonstrating the transformative power of education, collaboration, and proactive engagement in addressing global challenges and fostering sustainable development.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance





In a continuation of the BDTP's journey towards fostering informed and adept global citizens, the eighth session delved into the intricate realms of Banking, Finance, and International Relations, graced by the esteemed presence of UNA Fiji’s Financial Advisor Mr. Rizwan Hussain.

Trainees embarked on an enriching exploration of economic growth strategies and the imperatives of globalization in the context of Fiji's economic recovery together with alternative options for national revenue generation, recognizing the pivotal role of economic diversification and innovation in sustaining growth.

The session deeply examined globalization's impact, acknowledging its dual nature of trade opportunities and challenges like brain drain. Participants emphasized the importance of proactive governance for inclusive growth and discussed strategies for upskilling future leaders in global finance and diplomacy. They recognized the role of diversity in driving innovation and highlighted the need for holistic approaches to address brain drain through education and skill-building.

The afternoon session delved into the intricacies of international diplomacy, with discussions ranging from the election processes of key international bodies to the functions and missions of prominent UN organizations. Trainees gained insights into the operations of global governance structures, including the Security Council and specialized agencies such as WHO, UNESCO, and UNICEF.

Through engaging simulations and discussions, participants honed their understanding of diplomatic protocols and procedural frameworks, laying the groundwork for future engagements in international fora. The session concluded with a reflection on the origins and significance of Model United Nations (MUN) conferences, underscoring their role in nurturing the next generation of diplomatic leaders.

As the day drew to a close, participants departed with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of global finance, diplomacy, and sustainable development. Armed with newfound knowledge and insights, they stood poised to embark on their journey as active global citizens, committed to shaping a brighter future for Fiji and beyond.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance





UNA Fiji welcomed Honourable Mr. Gael Sanchez, Chargé d’affaires ad interim of the Embassy of Spain in Fiji, for an engaging session. Mr. Sanchez expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome and emphasized the value of simplicity in diplomacy, highlighting the long standing partnership between the Embassy of Spain and UNA Fiji.

Acknowledging the absence of a diplomatic academy in Fiji, Mr. Sanchez praised UNA Fiji’s Basic Diplomacy Programme for filling this crucial role, calling it the closest equivalent to a diplomatic academy in the Pacific.

He emphasized Spain's respect for the rule of law, rooted in its recovery from dictatorship, underscoring its importance in Spanish society.

The session included a discussion on the Vienna Convention of 1961, particularly Article 3, which outlines the core functions of diplomacy: representing, protecting, negotiating, informing, and promoting. These functions were explored in relation to gender equality, human rights, climate change, culture, trade, and policy.

Mr. Sanchez contrasted the rigorous process of becoming a diplomat in Spain with the process in Fiji and encouraged trainees to operationalize the five key functions. Proposals included peacekeeping initiatives, language learning weeks, national day observances, climate change advocacy, and strategic partner selection for treaty negotiations.

He concluded by stressing the importance of adhering to fundamental conventions, as international relations are grounded in these basic rules.

In the afternoon session, trainees began to extensively look at various Points and Motions as they are fundamental tools in UN-styled Diplomatic settings, allowing Members or Delegates to actively participate and engage in proceedings, shape decisions, and influence the outcomes of meetings or sessions in accordance with the rules of procedure.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance




BASIC DIPLOMACY TRAINING PROGRAMME (BDTP) 2024 TRAINING #10 - SATURDAY, 8 June 2024. UNA Fiji welcomes His Excellency Dr. Brian Jones, British High Commissioner to Fiji

On Saturday, 8 June 2024, the tenth session of the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) for 2024 took place, featuring a session led by His Excellency Dr. Brian Jones , the British High Commissioner to Fiji. This session aimed to equip future diplomats with essential skills and knowledge, highlighting diplomacy's deliberate and integrative nature across sectors. Dr. Jones emphasized the importance of the "4 Ps" – pride, patience, pace, and professionalism – as fundamental principles for effective diplomacy. He stressed that taking pride in one's nation, exercising patience in negotiations, maintaining a balanced pace in engagements, and upholding professionalism are crucial for any diplomat.

The morning session was enriched with personal stories from Dr. Jones and his colleagues, offering participants insights into their diverse journeys to Fiji and the valuable lessons learned. These narratives underscored the importance of adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning in a diplomatic career, highlighting both the challenges and rewards of representing one's country abroad.

Following the presentation, a robust Q&A session ensued, covering topics from local Pacific issues to global diplomatic challenges. This interactive segment allowed participants to engage directly with experienced diplomats, fostering a deeper understanding of real-world applications of diplomatic principles. Dr. Jones highlighted the importance of active listening and attention to detail, especially for diplomats representing P5 countries at the United Nations.

The afternoon session, facilitated by Mr. Vipin Maharaj, emphasized points and motions in diplomatic summations. He stressed that understanding these procedural elements is crucial for diplomats to effectively represent their countries' interests.

This session provided participants with essential procedural knowledge, reinforcing the day's lessons and equipping them to represent their nations with competence and confidence.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance



