More than 500 residents of Wainidova settlement, Vuibau Village and Deuba Village in Navua can now travel safely to their respective destinations since having their waterway access point rebuilt in Wainidova under the United Nations Associations (UNA) Fiji Community Impact Project. The project was undertaken by UNA Fiji's Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) 2021 Trainees, Members and sponsors to help the people of these settlements who for many years did not have proper facilities and only a few canoes to aid their transportation.

The Secretary-General of the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) Ambassador Mr. Solo Mara and Head of Business Solution for Digicel Fiji Ms. Morika Hunter officially opened the Navua Project on Sunday, March 27, 2022.

PIDF Ambassador Mr. Solo Mara acknowledged the work of the Wainidova Boat Community for working in collaboration with UNA Fiji in partnership with PIDF, Digicel Fiji and other generous donors. “I am honoured to be part of this important event to see firsthand how the project has transformed what was once an unsafe jetty to a convenient and resilient community infrastructure.” Mr. Mara said he was aware that the cost of boat transport is comparatively cheaper to road transport in these communities which justifies the relevance of investing in improving this community’s docking facility.

Head of Business Solution for Digicel Fiji Ms. Morika Hunter commended UNA Fiji and the Wainidova Community for the great work done. “Creating a long-term sustainable impact in people’s lives today is also critical for the people in the near future. “Ms. Hunter said Digicel Fiji has been supporting many projects and the success of this project makes them proud to have made an impact to the country in conjunction with multi stakeholders.

The residents of Wainidova settlement also expressed their sincere gratitude to UNA Fiji, PIDF, Digicel Fiji and other sponsors for rebuilding a proper jetty and jetty facilities for them. Wainidova Boat Community President Mr. Nilesh Prasad said the structure of the jetty and its facilities were so bad and people in the community were unable to have the infrastructure repaired due to the job losses they suffered amidst the COVID -19 pandemic.

Ms. Man Kaur, 65, born and bred in Wainidova settlement, has been witnessing the problems of the people of the Wainidova settlement since her childhood. Ms. Kaur said this is the best jetty and jetty facilities the Wainidova community has ever had. “For many years people were struggling to travel from Wainidova settlement to Navua Town and due to bad weather conditions, people would miss their work or children would miss their school,” she said.

Another elderly resident, Ms. Kusma Wati, 76, said “Many times, people would slip and fall into the water because there were no steps. Ms Kaur added that parents are very vigilant when their children go to school or return from school. “With railing and the steps, it will be easy for elderly people of the community to climb up very easily”.

Ms Kaur and Ms Wati are very grateful and thanked UNA Fiji, PIDF, Digicel Fiji and other sponsors for rebuilding the jetty and jetty facilities for their community.

UNA Fiji Vice- President Honorable Mr. Shivneet Kumar said the UNA Fiji faced numerous challenges along the journey; working through logistics to find the best quality materials on a budget, and of course the plethora of hurdles posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic. “However, it prompted us to learn many new skills and strategies which helped us develop as an organisation,” he said, further adding that the members took it upon themselves to request for donations from various sources and it is most fortunate that UNA Fiji is blessed with big-hearted donors such as PIDF, Digicel and other companies and individuals supporting the cause.

UNA Fiji also collaborated with Global Giving and the PEAC Institute in New York to run a fundraiser online and is thankful to them and all its sponsors including PIDF, Digicel Fiji, Millbrook Hills Law Partner from Ba, and K.K Hardware for providing building materials without whom this project would not have been possible.

With Class, Dignity and Elegance-





