Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) Meeting

In a recent meeting with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), UNA Fiji represented by its Secretary Hon. Mr. Vipin Maharaj actively engaged in discussions surrounding the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and the proposed strategic framework for 2024-2028.

While acknowledging ADB's focus on public sector management, transport infrastructure, and water services in Fiji during the 2019-2023 CPS period, UNA Fiji reiterated the need for a more inclusive approach in the upcoming strategy.

The draft strategic framework for 2024-2028 highlighted two crucial pillars: Climate Resilient Public Sector Infrastructure and Service Delivery, and a Greener and more Diversified Private Sector with four cross-cutting themes—Gender Equality, Regional Cooperation, Strategic Partnerships, and Digital Transformation.

Mr. Vipin Maharaj while looking at the CPS of 2019-2023 and the presentation stated that ADB only gave grants and loans of 0.1% in the Health and Education sector although the two were critical sectors that were largely affected by COVID-19. Mr. Vipin Maharaj further highlighted that Education should be included in either one of the 2 pillars or the cross-cutting themes which should include capacity building projects with proper monitoring and evaluation.

Mr. Maharaj further emphasized the need for decentralized funding as the funding provided is majorly Government centered while also calling for collaboration and the dissemination of information to the grassroot individuals in simple language for wider understanding and effective implementation

UNA Fiji looks forward to continued engagement with ADB to ensure that the finalized strategic framework truly reflects the diverse needs of Fiji's population

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