Hon. Mr. Maharaj represents UNA Fiji at Pacific Human Rights Coordination Meeting

Hon. Mr. Vipin Maharaj represented UNA Fiji in the Pacific Human Rights Coordination meeting in the United Nations RCO Kadavu house Suva Fiji.

During the beginning, welcoming and opening remarks were delivered by the co-chairs of the Pacific Community (SPC), Un Human Rights(OHCHR), and the Pacific Human Rights Defenders Network (PHRDN). This meeting was officially chaired by the Pacific Community (SPC) as per the rotation agreement.

Discussions began on the Key regional events; Fiji hosted the Pacific Regional Forum on National Human Rights Institutions organized by the Asia Pacific Forum on February 21 and 22 in Nadi which had representatives from 15 Pacific Island Countries. A way forward was decided to continue towards strengthening existing NHRIs in the Pacific region with partners and to work towards supporting PICs in establishing Paris Principles compliant NHRIs in the Pacific region furthermore, Fiji also hosted The 7th Pacific Regional Conference on Disability of which the outcome document was discussed in the meeting, highlighting the outcomes for Persons with different disabilities.

Further, topics such as human rights violations in the Pacific, impact of climate change and recent cyclones, and its effects in countries such as Vanuatu. Much discussion revolved around the form of compensation the Pacific should receive, freedom of expression, Police brutality, and lack of proper police training were highlighted.

Another set of discussions was on the universal declaration of human rights as it turns 75 and its goals.

Mr. Vipin Maharaj updated the forum on UNA Fiji’s work towards the SDGs with much focus on SDG 4: Quality Education and in particular target 4.7 which is the Education for sustainable development and global citizenship which UNA Fiji does through the basic diplomacy training programme and its work towards creating active Fijian Citizens which later on go on to become active global citizen. Mr. Maharaj also conversed about possible areas of collaboration and partnerships.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance-




Photo 1: Mr. Vipin Maharaj with Ms. Heike Alefsen, Regional Representative UN Human Rights (OHCHR).

Photo 2: From the left is Reverend Jame Bhagwan, General Secretary, Pacific conference of church, Middle is Mr. Miles Young, Director of the Human Rights and Social Development Division at the Pacific Community (SPC) and Mr. Vipin Maharaj.

Photo 3: Mr. Vipin Maharaj with Mr. Miles Young, Director of the Human Rights and Social Development Division at the Pacific Community (SPC).


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