Joint Learning Session with Civil Society Organizations on Access to Asian Development Bank's Accountability Mechanism

UNA Fiji representatives: Hon. Mr. Salih Ilahi Khan and Hon. Mr. Muzzain Ud-Dean.


On September 19, 2023, a significant joint learning session took place at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) South Pacific Subregional Office. The session was aimed at fostering collaboration and enhancing awareness among Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) regarding access to the ADB's Accountability Mechanism. This event was skillfully facilitated by Ms. Imrana Jalal, a distinguished expert in the field of international development and accountability mechanisms.

Session Objectives:

The primary objectives of the joint learning session were as follows:

To familiarize CSOs with the ADB's Accountability Mechanism.

To discuss the avenues and procedures for CSOs to engage with the Mechanism.

To promote transparency and accountability in ADB-funded projects across the South Pacific region.

Session Highlights:

Understanding ADB's Accountability Mechanism:

The session commenced with an in-depth overview of the ADB's Accountability Mechanism, which serves as a vital instrument for addressing complaints and concerns related to ADB-funded projects. Ms. Jalal highlighted the key functions and principles of the Mechanism, emphasizing its role in ensuring environmental and social safeguards.

Mechanisms for CSO Engagement:

Participants gained insights into the various ways in which CSOs can engage with the Accountability Mechanism, including filing complaints, providing information, and participating in consultations. The session stressed the importance of early engagement by CSOs to prevent and address potential project-related issues.

Case Studies:

To illustrate the practical application of the Accountability Mechanism, the session featured several case studies of ADB-funded projects from the South Pacific region. These case studies showcased instances where CSOs played a crucial role in holding the ADB accountable for project outcomes, highlighting the importance of civil society involvement.

Interactive Discussions:

Throughout the session, participants engaged in lively discussions on topics such as project transparency, community participation, and environmental and social impacts. Ms. Jalal encouraged participants to share their experiences and perspectives, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Resources and Support:

The session concluded with an overview of the resources and support available to CSOs interested in engaging with the Accountability Mechanism. This included information on how to access guidance materials, legal support, and capacity-building opportunities.

Outcomes and Impact:

The joint learning session yielded several positive outcomes and impacts:

Enhanced Awareness:

CSOs gained a deeper understanding of the ADB's Accountability Mechanism, enabling them to navigate its processes more effectively.

Strengthened Collaboration:

The session facilitated networking among CSOs, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the South Pacific civil society community.


CSOs left the session feeling more empowered to monitor and engage with ADB-funded projects, promoting greater transparency and accountability in the region.

Improved Capacity:

Participants were equipped with the knowledge and resources to advocate for social and environmental safeguards in their communities.


The Joint Learning Session with Civil Society Organizations on Access to the Asian Development Bank's Accountability Mechanism, facilitated by Ms. Imrana Jalal, was a resounding success. It provided a platform for CSOs in the South Pacific region to deepen their understanding of the Mechanism, exchange experiences, and enhance their capacity to engage with the ADB in ensuring responsible project development. This event underscored the crucial role of civil society in promoting transparency, accountability, and sustainable development in the region. It is expected that the knowledge gained during this session will lead to more effective CSO engagement with the ADB's Accountability Mechanism, ultimately benefiting the people and environment of the South Pacific.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance -





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