Meet One of the First Successful Trainees of UNA Fiji from 2016: Monisha Chand

Monisha Chand’s journey into the world of law is a compelling blend of passion, resilience, and a profound commitment to making a difference. Her story is one of dedication to helping others, shaped by both her academic pursuits and her invaluable experiences with UNA Fiji, also known as the Fiji Model UN Association (FMUNS). As one of the first successful trainees of UNA Fiji from 2016, Monisha’s path offers inspiration and insight into the making of a dedicated legal professional.

Monisha’s inspiration to pursue a career in law may sound like a cliché to some, but it is rooted in a genuine desire to help people. She believed that becoming a lawyer would equip her with the necessary tools and qualifications to assist those in need. Monisha's love for reading, writing, and analyzing, coupled with her penchant for structure and order, made law an ideal field for her. During her studies, she found joy in learning about the intricacies of legal arguments and how they could be crafted to serve justice on both sides of a case.

Her journey took a significant turn when she joined UNA Fiji, then known as FMUNS, during its nascent stages. This organization has played a crucial role in shaping her career. UNA Fiji provided a platform for young individuals to engage in meaningful discussions, develop public speaking skills, and enhance their analytical abilities. For Monisha, being part of this organization was a pivotal learning curve. It helped her build confidence, hone her public speaking skills, and master the art of analysis and negotiation. These skills have proven invaluable in her legal career, enabling her to approach situations with a well-rounded perspective.

A particularly pivotal moment in Monisha’s law studies was her participation in debating competitions. These extracurricular activities not only highlighted contemporary issues but also ignited a passion within her for advocacy and justice. Winning these competitions often reaffirmed her decision to pursue law, providing her with the assurance that she was on the right path.

Monisha’s academic and professional journey, while not devoid of challenges, was marked by resilience and effective time management. She acknowledges the typical struggles of student life, such as laziness and time management issues, but overcame them through careful planning and dedication. The COVID-19 pandemic posed additional challenges with the shift to online classes, yet Monisha adapted and continued to thrive, supported by the motivation and understanding of her loved ones.

The skills Monisha developed at UNA Fiji have significantly influenced her approach to practicing law. Understanding, listening, researching, and negotiating are integral to her methodology. She emphasizes that addressing legal issues requires more than just dealing with what is immediately apparent; it involves thorough analysis and finding comprehensive solutions.

While Monisha is still exploring various areas of law, she is driven by the broader principles of justice, rights, and the understanding of human behavior. She finds fulfillment in the personal and societal impact of legal work, advocating for the rights of others and herself. This holistic view of law underpins her passion for the field.

As a new member of the bar, Monisha has set ambitious goals for the next five years. She aims to use her expertise to make a positive impact on her clients' lives, advocate for their rights, and contribute to a safer and more just society. Building a robust professional network, specializing in a niche legal area, and pursuing continual legal education are also among her key objectives.

Monisha advises current members of UNA Fiji considering a career in law to take chances, learn as much as possible, and enjoy the journey. Her own path has been enriched by mentors and role models, particularly her sister and mother, whose support has been instrumental in her success. Their guidance and encouragement have been vital during challenging times, helping Monisha stay motivated and focused.

Looking to the future, Monisha plans to give back to the community by sharing her knowledge, engaging in pro bono work, and advocating on important issues. Her journey from a trainee at UNA Fiji to a dedicated lawyer exemplifies the impact of dedication, support, and a commitment to justice. Monisha Chand stands as an inspiring example of what can be achieved with passion and perseverance in the field of law, and UNA Fiji continues to be a beacon for young individuals aspiring to make a difference in the world.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance





UNA Fiji’s Patron, Ambassador Amena Yauvoli, and President and Founder, Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali at the World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia