UNA Fiji Community Impact Project - Building Local Leadership for Sustaining Shores: Empowering Coastal Communities for a Resilient Future

On Saturday 29 July 2023, the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) through its Community Impact Project (CIP), has successfully concluded its annual event, centered around the theme "Building Local Leadership for Sustaining Shores: Empowering Coastal Communities for a Resilient Future."

The project focused on crucial initiatives aimed at restoring mangrove habitats and nurturing the leadership potential of Fijian youth. This comprehensive approach aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs), addressing environmental and social challenges while fostering a sustainable future for Fiji's coastal communities.

Part 1: Mangrove Seedling Planting and Coral Planting in the Coral Coast Area of Viti Levu, Fiji.

The primary objective of this initiative was to achieve sustainable development goals, including Climate Action (#SDG13), Life Below Water (#SDG14), Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (#SDG16), and Partnerships for the Goals (#SDG17). The project's key achievements in this part were as follows:

Climate Resilience and Erosion Mitigation: 6676 mangrove seedlings were planted along the vulnerable Korotogo Coastline, serving as a natural barrier to mitigate coastal erosion and safeguard nearby communities from the impacts of rising sea levels and extreme weather events.

Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Empowerment: Local communities actively participated in the mangrove planting activities, offering sustainable livelihood opportunities through the sale of mangrove seedlings at FJD 1 each, reducing their reliance on vulnerable ecosystems.

Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Health: The restoration and expansion of mangrove habitats contributed to the conservation of Fiji's rich biodiversity, acting as vital nursery grounds for marine species and preserving local marine biodiversity.

Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation: The project actively contributes to global climate change mitigation efforts by leveraging the carbon sequestration capabilities of mangroves.

Environmental Education and Awareness: The project conducted educational programs to raise awareness among local communities about the importance of mangroves and coastal ecosystems, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental fragility and conservation efforts.

Chargé d’affaires ad interim of Spain in Fiji Mr. Gaël Sánchez was impressed with UNA Fiji’s CIP and participated in mangrove planting and building fish nurseries and coral cones.

“This week we celebrated the International Day of Mangrove ecosystems, by which the UN remind us of the vital role these natural superheroes play for our planet, especially where communities are especially vulnerable to climate change, such as in Fiji,” he said.

Mr. Sánchez said The Embassy of Spain is proud to support UNA Fiji in having such a positive local and global impact.

The Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort, Environment Officer, Ms. Maryanne Shaw was impressed and appreciated the UNA Fiji members and trainees for planting mangroves and building fish nurseries.

“This is a good initiative to allow organizations to help us in mangroves and coral planting,” she said.

Ms. Shaw said she looks forward to work with UNA Fiji in the future.

Part 2: Youth Leadership Training Agenda - Empowered Leaders, Empowered Futures

The second part of the project focused on nurturing the leadership potential of Fijian youth, aligning with Quality Education (#SDG4.7), Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (#SDG16), and Partnerships for the Goals (#SDG17). The key achievements of this part were as follows:

Empowering Youth Leaders: 23 Fijian youths from Nadroga Navosa Province underwent training in essential skills such as diplomatic excellence and effective pitching, becoming advocates for their communities and contributing to sustainable development.

Collaborative Platform for Innovative Solutions: Participants engaged in dynamic discussions on pressing issues affecting them and their peers, collectively proposing innovative solutions and fostering a collaborative platform for positive change.

Protocol Training: The objective of the protocol training session was empower the participants with essential skills and knowledge to navigate diverse settings with confidence and cultural sensitivity. It aimed to enhance their ability to engage in respectful senior officials and dignitaries as leaders.

Effective Pitching for Influence: Empowering participants with the art of effective pitching amplified their voices and helped drive their proposed solutions forward, enabling them to influence decision-makers and stakeholders positively.

Chief Guest at the opening ceremony was Merchant Finance Pte Limited, Head of Credit, Hon. Mr. Rizwan Hussain.

Mr. Hussian shared words of encouragement with the youths.

Mr. Hussain told the youths that to be an empowered leader is not just about having knowledge; it's about having the courage to act.

“It's about stepping out of your comfort zone, embracing innovation, and leading with integrity. Each one of you has a unique gift to offer, and I encourage you to use that gift to uplift your communities and create lasting impacts,” he said.

Mr. Hussain further reminded the youths that the road to success may not always be smooth, but it is the challenges that mold us into the leaders we are destined to be.

“Embrace failures as steppingstones to growth, and let setbacks fuel your determination to rise above every obstacle,” he added.

Chargé d’affaires ad interim of Spain in Fiji Mr. Gaël Sánchez was the Chief Guest at the closing ceremony at the event.

Mr. Sánchez said it is crucial to train and empower young citizens as a guarantee for future peace and prosperity.

“We thank, congratulate and support UNA Fiji for the important and meaningful role they play in this sense in this country. The Fijian youth is in good hands with them,” he said.

The President of UNA Fiji Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali said UNA Fiji’s Community Impact Project - "Building Local Leadership for Sustaining Shores: Empowering Coastal Communities for a Resilient Future" - exemplifies a comprehensive approach to address environmental and social challenges.

“By focusing on mangrove restoration and youth leadership development, the project aligns with several SDGs, ensuring a holistic and impactful contribution towards an inclusive, resilient, and empowered Fiji,” he said.

Mr. Ali said through partnerships and collaborative efforts, the project has forged a path towards a sustainable future for our coastal communities and beyond.

UNA Fiji would like to express its sincere gratitude to our Major Sponsor being U.S. Federal Government and the U.S. Embassy Suva.

Along with other sponsors Embajada De España En Fiji, Merchant Finance Limited, Vodafone Fiji, TotalEnergies, Eagle Cleaning Services (S.P) Ltd, Sunrise Aerated Water and Manufacturing (P.W.F) Ltd, Mar & Morris Fiji, Alliance Financial Tax and Insurance, Remington Fiji and Action for Sustainable Development.

This event was also assisted by NADROGA DISTRICT COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SERVICE (DCOSS), OUTRIGGER Fiji Beach Resort, CDP - Fiji’s First Courier and Pleass Global Limited.

This CIP is a symbol of genuine partnership between Civil Societies and Public-Private partnership #SDG17.17.

This BDTP 2023 is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Suva.

With Class, Dignity & Elegance –





UNA Fiji’s achievements during the Global Action Week


Hon. Ms. Lorraine Seeto represented the UNA Fiji at the 2023 National Economic Summit