Statement Against Nuclear Dumping and Emphasizing the Sanctity of the Pacific Ocean

Subject: Statement Against Nuclear Dumping and Emphasizing the Sanctity of the Pacific Ocean

We, the United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji), staunchly oppose and condemn the plan to release over one million tonnes of treated nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean (#NoFukushimaWaste). This ill-conceived action, supported by Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, disregards the irreplaceable value of the Pacific Ocean and threatens the very foundation of life and livelihood for countless communities across the region.

The Pacific Ocean is not a dumping ground, but rather an integral part of our identity, culture, and survival. As an organization dedicated to the principles of the United Nations and the welfare of our local community and the broader Pacific region, we express our deep concern and outrage at this decision.

The Fijian Prime Minister's endorsement of Japan's plans, based on the report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), is deeply troubling. While we respect the importance of expert judgments, we firmly believe that the potential consequences of this action are too great to be dismissed. The release of treated nuclear wastewater will have far-reaching ecological, environmental, and socioeconomic impacts that extend beyond national borders.

Our #Pacific communities rely on the ocean for sustenance, culture, and economic well-being. Releasing this nuclear wastewater threatens marine ecosystems, the safety of our seafood, and the health of our people. It undermines the progress we have made in safeguarding our environment and the rights of future generations. We reject the notion that this is a minor or acceptable risk.

UNA Fiji calls upon Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka to reconsider his stance and stand against the release of treated nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. We urge him to take a stronger position on this critical issue, advocating for the implementation of alternative, safe, and sustainable solutions for the Fukushima nuclear wastewater. We implore him to listen to the voices of our Pacific leaders, the independent panel of scientific experts, and the global community.

We stand in solidarity with the Alliance for Future Generations - Fiji and other advocacy groups in calling for the international community to demand that Japan seek alternative solutions for its nuclear waste. Our shared responsibility to protect the environment and prioritize the health and safety of our oceans compels us to take a united stance against actions that threaten the sanctity of our Pacific home.

Let us remember that the Pacific Ocean is not just a resource; it is our life, our identity, and our future. We must come together, as leaders and as citizens, to safeguard the integrity of our oceans and the well-being of our communities.

In the spirit of unity and cooperation, we remain steadfast in our commitment to a brighter, safer, and sustainable Pacific region.


Akmal Ali

Founder and President

United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji)


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