Hon. Joshua Solomone’s Interview with Pacific Media Network (PMN) interviewed

The youngest member of United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) Hon. Joshua Solomone was interviewed by the Pacific Media Network (PMN) Rotuma radio station (a radio station in New Zealand) last week.

Mr. Solomone was happy when he was called for an interview. During the interview, he was proud to share about his wonderful experience with UNA Fiji.

In his interview, Mr. Solomone spoke about UNA Fiji, work of UNA Fiji and his role as the Co-ordinator for the Global Classroom and Protocol Team here at UNA Fiji. "The interview was a way in which I was able speak about my role in the UN and to inspire young Rotumans and people that are listening and profile of our amazing Rotumans".

Mr. Solomone is encouraging everyone especially the youths to join UNA Fiji and be the change in there communities.

Mr. Solomone is a student of Dudley High School who recently completed his Fiji Seventh Form Certificate Examination (FSFCE). He is now looking forward to further pursuing his studies in medical field.

What is PMN Rotuma radio station.

PMN is the hub for radio stations, podcasts, videos, articles and all things Pacifika.

Click on the link given below to watch Mr. Solomone’s interview:


Photo: Hon. Mr. Joshua Solomone receiving his award from the Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy, Hon. Mr. Tony Greubel


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