Orientation of the New Probationary Members

The Newly Recruited Probationary Members had their official Orientation session of United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) at Dudley High School in Suva, today.

The orientation session was conducted to guide the members through the UNA Fiji Constitution.

Vice-President UNA Fiji Honorable Mr. Shivneet Kumar emphasized the importance of communication within the Association and the terms of communication in the Association. Mr. Kumar discussed the objectives, strategic plans, and operations for the Association.

To add on, the President of UNA Fiji Honourable Mr. Akmal Ali highlighted the importance of Honesty and Transparency. He told the probationary members, "If you want to be trusted be Honest". Mr. Ali further elaborated that each team of UNA Fiji represents an organ whereby each organ is interdependent with another, however, failure of one organ slows down the entire body.

Other points discussed were proper addressing of people, dress code, the appropriate way to replying to messages, UNA Fiji’s rules, procedures and policies.

The new probationary members are Mr. Craig Ricardo, Ms. Shimnaz Ali, Ms. Lusiana Lolokubou, Ms. Ilisapeci Time, Ms. Mereani Matanisiga, Ms. Sumantha Dutt, Ms. Emali Kalokalo, and Mr. Yash Veer Deo.

The UNA Fiji also celebrated the birthday of their Treasurer, Honorable Ms. Stephannie Ali. Her key responsibility is to maintain the finances with proper good governance standards and at the same time ensure the financial stability of the Association. Her role is not confined to the financial side of the organization, but she also helps manage the Association’s Hospitality Team and carries out any task assigned by the President to ensure the smooth running of the Association. UNA Fiji wishes Ms. Ali all the very best in her future endeavors

With Class, Dignity and Elegance-





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