Talanoa session with the Malaysian High Commission

The High Commission of Malaysia in Suva had invited the United Nations of Fiji (UNA Fiji) Members for a Talanoa session which was followed by a refreshing lunch a taste of Malaysian Cuisine on Saturday, 27 August 2022.

His Excellency Mr. Ilham Tuah Illias - High Commissioner of Malaysia to Fiji was glad to host the UNA Fiji Members at his residency and to interact with them. The Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs Mr. Pita Tagicakirewa was also part of the Talanoa session. Some points discussed were on Climate Change, Human Rights and Work of a Diplomat.

The food which the UNA Fiji Members enjoyed was prepared by the ladies from Yadua village in Nadroga province. This is an amazing initiative by the High Commission of Malaysia to promote women empowerment.

His Excellency Mr. Illias commended the work of UNA Fiji in providing training on Diplomacy and Capacity Building. He said that UNA Fiji is a unique organisation as he is amazed by the voluntary work done by the Members of UNA Fiji. “You guys come for volunteer work on Saturdays and you are unique on your own way while other youths decide to spend their time by going to the movies or watching a game or to do other things, you guys volunteer”.

Furthermore, His Excellency Mr. Illias shared the work of Malaysian Government and strong relationship between Fiji and Malaysia. His Excellency is always proud to share how Fiji helped Malaysia during the Emergency they faced in 1952.

PS Mr. Tagicakirewa was impressed with the work of the UNA Fiji. Mr. Tagicakirewa had only read about UNA Fiji on social media platforms and local news and he enjoyed his first time interaction with the members of UNA Fiji. “UNA Fiji is a very good platform to create awareness about the UN in general and also the platform for diplomats because UNA Fiji covers a wide range of topics. These are the topics that diplomats need to know when they go for any foreign mission”. He applauded the UNA Fiji for promoting youth empowerment.

President of UNA Fiji Honourable Mr. Akmal Ali told Mr. Illias and Mr. Tagicakirewa that the activities of UNA Fiji are executed with nothing but passion and pure volunteerism of its Members while upholding Class, Dignity and Elegance. “However, UNA Fiji gets to the true experience of diplomacy when at the end of the day, what counts is humanity and being able to deliver without expecting entitlement”.

A big vinaka vakalevu to the High Commission of Malaysia from UNA Fiji Members for their hospitality. UNA Fiji looks forward to collaborating with the High Commission of Malaysia and Ministry of iTaukei Affairs in future.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance –




Photo Source: High Commission of Malaysia


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